Timelines are for Wusses

Met my goal with the Wizard. I got through everything I had written and even started writing a scene or two that if beyond what I had already written. So I am super stoked about that. I really didn’t think I was going to hit my goal, but while there were some spots that really dragged when it came to fixing them up, there were even more places that absolutely flew by both because they were pretty tight already and I just enjoyed the scenes.

The timeline of this story is going to kill me, not only am I doing more povs than I ever have before (eight), but different Kingdoms have different day/night cycles that just don’t line up in many cases. I am not looking forward to having to hammer that out, but again, right now is about finishing the story. I certainly think I’m at the point now where I need to figure out what my ending is, and then write to it. I don’t want to accidentally write to the ending and then realize I left out a huge plot point. All the other books could end with loose ends, this one had to have most of those tied up.

And while I haven’t gone back to Blessings, I did have some nice ideas for the story that I was able to jot down. When I do get back into that story I think it will provide some things for me to aim for, and to help define some of the characters that are still up in the air.

Next step, write out the scenes in the Wizard that I know I need to write. Then I’ll probably go back through the story, and smooth it out some more before I make a master list of everything that needs to be done. I’m going to give myself a week to write out those new scenes, and then I’ll see where I am.