We got him down to about 20% or so, but some shaky healer positions, unlucky dooms without soulstones, and a lot of freaking fire coming out of the sky spelled death for the tank. So we picked ourselves up, brushed ourselves off, and then realized. “Wait…what if the soulstones/battle rezes aren’t up when we get to the boss?” So we decided two wipe twice on trash in order to make sure our revivals were off cooldown.
Truthfully, I was expecting more…hard.
And since Koi did this with the ZA clear, and it seems like a not horrible idea. I give you the winners of the drops off Azgalor’s first kill:
[Gloves of the Forgotten Vanquisher] to Lelaine
[Gloves of the Forgotten Vanquisher] to Azshane
[Bow-stitched Leggings] to Tzoid
[Design: Inscribed Pyrestone] To Whiteliter
(Unfortunately something about the site won’t let me both link to wowhead for mouseover and color the link purple. Fix that Koi.) Edit: Works on takoumori.com.
So then we raced up the mountain to get more ancient gem veins, and found all these night elves and a huge tree. And there was this guy using life drain on the tree. We went over to ask what was up, and he wiped us out in 51 seconds. (Not that anyone was counting or anything.) We might have to go pay him another visit, along with practicing jumping off the cliff and not dying.