Friday March 20, 2020
I post the new scene of LotPC and go to work. Coworker reminds me of a conversation from weeks ago when I said my memoir should be called “The World is Ending and I’m Cleaning Stalls”. I wonder if this means my psychic powers are developing. At lunch the hubby and I realize there are some things we need from the store, so we plan to go as per normal on Fridays.
The grocery store has about the same number of people in it. There are a number of people (I have no idea how to say they were Asian without it being prejudice) wearing facemasks. I understand, of course, having watched as much anime as I have that at least in Japan, it’s far more common in normal circumstances than it is here. Seeing it here seems perfectly normal to me. I am certainly within six feet of people at times but I am so hyper aware of it. I am conscious of not touching anything I’m not taking home.
There is still no potatoes, toilet paper, paper towels, dried grains, pasta, or frozen veg. They have clearly restocked though, because when I say “no” there are like one or two pieces here and there. Except the toilet paper, which annoys me greatly because of my looming period.
On the way home we stop at Wendy’s to get dinner. We were planning to take it home, but when we arrive we see that there is no other option. There are signs proclaiming “carry-out only”. The chairs in the dining room are stacked up. There are no lids or straws or ketchup out, we have to ask for them. The drink machine closest to the register is out of almost everything. We take our food home.
The rest of the night is per usual, watching youtube/netflix/vrv.