The Danger of the Fabricated Reality

Fabricated reality is a ‘reality’ that is created by either an individual, or a group of people who decide on a ‘truth’ that is not supported by agreement reality or actual reality (Ie, science and/or facts)
For example, no matter how many people believe that the world is flat, no matter the number of people, their ‘proof’, their insistence that they are being lied to, the world is not, and will not become flat. In addition, no matter how much a group believes that Trump is stirring up government and is going to restore greatness to America, that will not change the fact that he is a fascist who is determined to undermine the pillars of the country for his own benefit and power.

However, people will wrap themselves in this fabricated reality to reject the messiness of the real world that they either can’t understand, or won’t. And the dangerous part of this is that such people often make this fabricated reality, and the ‘truths’ therein a part of their identity. Which means when one of these ‘truths’ is called into question, you are not interacting with a rational or reasonable person and having the discussion or debate you think you are. In their mind however unconsciously, you are attacking who they are, and people in this situation will then double down on their ‘truths’ and ignoring anything to the contrary.

So, when you come across a person like this, you can remind yourself that they are living in a different reality, and no one can force them back. They would have to choose it for themselves, and not many of them will. The safest thing to do, if you need to interact with them for whatever reason, is not bring up anything related to their fabricated reality, if they do, then you counter it with a simple ‘no, that’s not true’ but do not engage in a debate. If all else fails, leave the situation. Remember, silence is acceptance, but take care of your mental health first.