So I picked out a mini from the reaper catalog, and did my best painting it. At the time I was super happy with how it turned out.

The above mini was actually used for a character in the Tower Campaign, I was currently playing in. A level 3 Warden in 4th Edition named Tela. I had trouble with her shield arm falling off multiple times despite being pinned (my first attempt, suggested by the owner of the store who is quite the modeler and painter). I ended up keeping it on with a glob of green stuff that was never painted after the fact. It’s pretty messy looking in general, but is still proudly my first ever mini.
And this mini opened up my chronic desire to be artistic on top of other people’s work. I have done it in the past by coloring in photoshop, pictures that were drawn by other people. So the natural progression, of course, is to paint figures modeled by other people.
The second miniature I got was for one of my story characters. She is a weaponmaster and…well I just kinda liked the mini.

And you might go…wtp? That mini actually looks like…good compared to the first one. Well in between the first and the second miniature, I purchased the book: How to Paint Citadel Miniatures. It has a lot of good tutorials for beginning painters and I super enjoyed it. And I’ve always been rather artistic in general, so as soon as I got a little technique I was able to improve quite hard.