Just yesterday I began to get my creative juices back, thanks in part to the DIYMFA podcasts. Sometimes when I just don’t feel like writing, reading about (or listening to, in this case) people discuss writing can spark things.
Like I said last week, I did reach that measurable result, and the week before last went really well. However, this week I am planning on going back and rewriting some random scenes that new ideas want to change. There are two of those, one is in the Cinderella storyline, which will help to drive a particularly slow moving (though necessary) scene forward, and the second is during the revisit to the Cinderella storyline. If I get finished with those, I will probably clean up all the scenes in the Cinderella folder a bit. However, I have events for the next three weekends that include two horse shows, a wedding, and a Wrestlemania party, so I’m not going to kill myself trying to do too much.