My Review of Black Panther
My summary: Latest and greatest Marvel superhero gets his own movie. Right, plot? Time for T’Challa to succeed his father as King of Wakanda, only he runs into some poignant questions about why they’ve been in hiding for so long, and what it has wrought.
Why I watched this movie: Cause it’s MCU.
What I knew going in: I knew the cast was mostly black, and that Wakanda is super awesome cause they made the Quinjets, and the CG looked sick. What? I didn’t really know much about Black Panther.
My response: Super amazing movie. It hit the points it needed to hit, it supported it’s theme like a beast, and it was full of amazing acting, lovable characters, and amazing CG. The plot wasn’t super twisty, but then most marvel movies aren’t.
Do I recommend this movie?: That would be a yes.