Also, a special gratz to Rosalind who completely cleared himself out of dkp while in Hyjal.
At normal raiding time we went into Black Temple, (after all logging off to update Omen at the same time) one shot Bloodboil, then went and 2-shot Mother Shahraz. Oh, right, that was our first kill of her. And yeah, it’s about that underwhelming. Though I guess it was a nice change after all those horrible wipes on RoS. The video is just as underwhelming. (I’ll get it up sometime.)
However, gratz to Grianne, Azurmahn, and Lelaine on their respective t6 shoulders. (Yeah, we got one of each.) And Burdokva who got [Shadowmaster’s Boots].
So with an hour left we headed up to play with the final roadblock.
As for the misspelling, I fixed it but in truth I really didn’t give a rat’s behind. This boss exists as nothing more than a way to force you to spend extra time in the game using a mechanic that has nothing to do with skill, and everything to do with how much time you spent farming in one form or another.