/school girl scream
It’s August
Well tomorrow anyway, but not a posting day. In all honesty, I was planning on having a post ready to go today, but when I actually sat down and write it, it came out horribly. I mean just painful to look at bad. This chapter is another one of those ‘I just have to get through it’. I have most of chapter 9 already written, it’s just getting to it.
In the past, my writing has been when I want to, and writing on whatever story I felt like at the time. That’s all well and good, but I’ve moved to the point where I’m making it a more serious hobby, and sometimes that means working on it even when I don’t want to. I’m sure that all those people putting up webcomics don’t always feel like working on a strip, even if they have the time to do so. But they do it anyway, and the comic continues.
While it’s a little different when you don’t have time and have to call a break, I’m now realizing that instead of just hoping I feel like writing and throwing together a post the day before updates when I don’t, I need to actually start sitting myself down and writing whether I feel like it or not. Sure it’ll come out pretty bad at first, but I need to learn to be able to just sit down and write when it’s time to.
We’ll see how it goes, but there will be a post on Monday no matter what.
I’ve used the same ftp program since…forever. I liked the layout, it was easy to use. But just about a month ago they decided that they just can’t afford to keep letting people just use it for free. Now I understand that. I mean it’s a good program, and they probably put a lot of work into it, but I’m still a cheepo and so I’ve tried some other ftp programs. I haven’t been impressed by any of them. As such those buttons I was planning to get up so the site looks less stupid hasn’t happened because I can’t get said ftp programs to connect. Now the program I have at work will connect, but I keep forgetting to bring the buttons with me. As such I’m just a lazy poopie head with ugly links. I’ll probably break down and actually buy the program I used in the past because…well my website is one of the main things in my life, and as much as we’re trying to save money and such, I need a stable and working ftp program. So in summary, there’s no buttons yet because I don’t have a working ftp program at home.
And on the note of being a lazy poopie head, next step in wedding (now that we’ve actually got the place and pastor for the ceremony itself, meaning the date is final) is sending out the wedding invitations that apparently should’ve gone out three months ago. I guess I’m just used to being a person who doesn’t normally have plans, as such two month is more than enough time. (I mean heck, it’s enough time for me to plan the wedding.) I’ve found places online, but I’m not exactly thrilled to either wait a week for them to come in the mail or pay way too much to have them shipped overnight, so now I have to see if some place like Kinko’s just has wedding invitations (You can tell how into this wedding thing I actually am.) that I can just buy and send out to all the people the parents have decided should be invited to the wedding.
It’s not as if I don’t like family. They’re cool enough, I’m just not much of one to make a big deal out of stuff like this. Everyone’s all like “YAY WEDDING!” and I see it more as a party that happens to be the same day as the legal ceremony society required in order for us to get tax breaks. It’s sort of the same as when I got a job. I’m positive my parents and siblings were more excited about it than I was. For me it kind of feels like business as usual. I’m more excited about going to Otakon than the wedding, though that could be biased a bit by the amount of work I have to put into the wedding. But then I always have been a bit of a freak.
Revolving Door?
I don’t really know what’s wrong with me. Perhaps I’m spoiled by the fact that I’ve been in OOB for my entire WoW career. Maybe I’m just spoiled in general, but once again I’m back in OOB, because I just couldn’t leave. Every now and then things just get back, and I’m convinced that things will be better elsewhere. And maybe raiding wise they would be. And I really, I kinda wanted to know that. I do want to know how other guilds run things. I want to know how things work when you don’t have an overpowered tank or a group of unbeatable healers (when we can get them all in the same raid at the same time that is.)
But at the same time, this guild is just too closely knit. Even as much as I hate people sometimes for not keeping themselves alive, or not keeping the tank alive, or not doing enough dps fast enough, there probably won’t ever be another guild I call home.
And that’s why people saying we won’t get to Kil’jaeden is just silly. Now we might run out of time, but I figure if LK doesn’t come out until after Christmas (like I’m assuming) we’ll probably make it. Barring unforseen…crap…like the Internet explodes.
I am a little sad. Kael’thas is limping along as always, but our choice of new initiates is poor to say the least. No one is going to come in with the gear we’d like to see. Which means more time wasted gearing people up.
Who knows how it’ll go. I’m conflicted, but I’m still here. And then soon I won’t be an officer anymore, so it won’t matter.
And yesterday I started the wheels turning on two other of the changes in my life. I quit my job, and I took Nabith out of <OOB>.
Now to ride out the last few days of work…
…and see who my real friends are.
Psst, Andrea, you passed. 🙂
No new story posts!?
Life is happening. Hate that; but several life changing things are going to be happening soon, one of which is marriage. (Yes, yay me!) As such, the writing has simply not been flowing, or even coming out at a slow crawl. I’m currently more worried about the temperature in September and how much lilies cost than Angelica’s little magic lessons.
So…I’m putting story updates on hold until at least August, possibly later but let’s see how things go. I’ll try and throw up little updates to show how things are progressing, but I can’t promise anything.
So I’ve spent the last three or four days flat on my back for most of the day. My body has this annoying little habit of sometimes not letting me know when I’m extremely stressed, and instead just tightens up every muscle across my shoulders and neck. As a result I can not move and hardly sit without extreme pain. Drugs don’t seem to help, and heating pads (or the like) only provide minimal relief. As such I am left simply living with the pain until it fades away of its own accord.
I spent the last two days working from home so that I could go lay down whenever it became too much. Not pleasant to say the least. This most recent bout seems to have resulted from our final push to get down Kalecgos. I suppose when you’re not dying until a wipe has been called, and are constantly top three dps, there’s not much you can do about wipes except get stressed. Of course I did not realize I was so stressed until the stiffness settled in, which is another annoying thing about it, that most of the time I don’t even realize how stressed I am until I’m already in pain.
And speaking of stress, this weekend is The Lunch, so we’ll see how that goes.
Lookie, new site look. This is why there was no update on Monday. I spent that time coloring the picture of Angelica which I had drawn by an old friend Ajinryu. Still have little tweaks, such as making the links a bit more prominent, but at least I’m finally rid of that silly little temp banner.
Yes. We. Can.
Who would’ve thought it would be this hard to break into Sunwell? I mean seriously, the place was only tuned for guilds who had been farming Black Temple and Hyjal for 6+ months and we felt the strain. Our healers were pushed to the absolute limit to keep our tanks up and somehow they kept finding more.
And since I’d rather not try to explain the stress we all went through to make this kill happen, I’ll instead talk about the fight itself. Kalecgos is a dragon of the Blue Dragonflight. He’s pretty cool and all, but a demon, one Sathrovarr the Corrupter is attempting to live up to his epithet and corrupt the dragonkin’s mind. Enter <OOB>, the group of plucky heroes who are attacked by a half crazy dragon as they’re wandering the beautiful halls of the Sunwell Plateau looking for a stupid pattern to drop instead of [Wand of the Demonsoul]x4.
With his will weakening, Kalecgos uses what power he can to create a portal that allows access to his mind, where Sathrovarr is generally making a mess of things, and trying to kill the last bit of Kalecgos’ sanity. So as plucky heroes, we have to subdue Kalecgos, kill Sathrovarr, and do it fast enough that Kalec doesn’t succumb to the pain of 0 hit points.
Took us a while, but we managed it.
In the end we got one of each bracer, which went to Llewyna, Whiteliter, and Spriz, and a [Dragonscale-Encrusted Longblade] for Koivu.
We haz speed
And so…