Okay so despite the fact that I’ve had a hotel reserved since January and a number of the webcomics I normally read mentioned it, I totally forgot I was going to be gone on Sunday for Otakon. Yes. I am a bad person. Double update this coming Sunday.
Missed last week!?
Yeah, I didn’t realize it until late this past week that I had gotten so wrapped up in playing pokemon that I forgot to update last Sunday. Not good for someone who is currently trying to lure in new readers. /sad So here is the update you’ve been waiting for!? The tournament is finally getting underway.
I’ll be updating the character page at some point during the day and you might even see new buttons on the right hand menu (which I’ve been meaning to do but lacked the motivation). Hope you enjoy.
Chapter 2.4
Canopus stood with the others, but waited until they had already moved with the rest toward their respective Dragons. It did not matter to him much who he was fighting for, but he was at least curious. Alexis greeted all of her fighters with the same engaging smile she had been introduced with. She shook hands with everyone but then her eyes turned to him and she beckoned him over.
He moved toward her, hearing Kyanosa as he passed by.
“So you’re Dirk’s boss? You’re really tall. How come you don’t have scales?”
“I can break you with my pinky.”
Alexis smiled again as Canopus stopped at the edge of the group aligned with her. She stepped toward him, offering her hand. “I’m pleased to meet you, Canopus. I’ve heard great things about you.”
He took it and shook it while nodding once. From what he could tell, she looked and acted like a normal human. He wondered what it would be like fighting one of the Nine. Alexis’ hand tightened on his enough to be almost painful for a moment.
“You’ll get to fight plenty,” she smiled before turning back to the rest of the group.
The opening ceremony was a standard flashy array that usually accompanied things like this. A huge stone arena was surrounded by risers that held thousands of screaming fans. Each Dragon led out their group of fighters before showing off their powers a bit. Alexis made it snow bits of ice that tasted like candy on the tongue.
Checking out his future opponents did no good in a setting like this. He could tell most all of them held themselves well, but that was normal for a fighter of the level that would gather here.
“Now I wait another day…” Canopus grumbled when the group had met up after the ceremony was over.
“Aww, it’s not so bad Canopus,” Kaye said.
He kept grumbling, but now it was quieter.
Dirk almost smiled. “So that’s the deal. Sometime tomorrow each one of us fights some random opponent, unless we end up with each other. Spend tonight however you want to, but I suggest sleeping in your rooms so you don’t miss the entrance cutoff. I’m spending tonight with some music in my soundproof room and getting up tomorrow at eight for breakfast. Besides that, whatever. Have fun. Just don’t lose.”
Kyanosa shook a finger at Dirk. “That’s all good and well, but if we do get paired up against each other, it’ll be hard for us all not to lose.”
“That’s the problem.”
“No use worrying about that now,” Kaye aid.
Kyanosa nudged Josh. “So who are you staying with?”
“Search me. Some guy with a huge sword and a little kid. House 2 if you want to visit though.” The punk grinned.
“We’re in House 8,” Kyanosa informed him.
“How about we take a tour around the village?” Kaye asked.
Kyanosa and Josh quickly agreed. Canopus and Dirk admitted to other plans and the group went their separate ways until the next morning.
Magneto’s powers
I was at the store (Fun n Games) a few days ago and somehow it came up, how cool it would be to have Magneto’s powers. I figured that having them around the barn would be even nicer as it would allow me to open and close gates without having to actually be there.
But then I started paying more attention to the things I do around the barn and how many of them could be done with some handy magnetic powers.
All of the doors in the barn could be unlatched and slid open or closed allowing me to do so from across the barn in order to let horses out or keep them in their stalls for turn-in and turn-out.
As said before, all of the gates to the paddocks and pastures could be opened and closed. Little tugs on the horses’ halters could have them come in and go out without them actually having to be led.
Fences could be repaired and maintained with a bit of metal bending, perhaps even removing rust. (Dunno if Magneto could do that, doubt the all powerful mutant would ever bother.)
Some halters with metal in the proper places could actually go out and put themselves on horses’ heads, allowing me to bring in the horses I needed for lessons without having to go into the field.
Finding thrown horseshoes in the pasture would be trivial.
Picking up leftover scraps from the farrier would be likewise.
The tractor is entirely metal and so I could run that with the spreader or water the arena with no need to actually be on it.
After thinking about it, the power would be much more useful than I would’ve thought.
The Nine
The Nine Dragons, the pantheon of this world and their advisers all belong to SD. He came up with them, I just helped flesh them out a bit.
Chapter 2.3
He tapped his chin and looked thoughtful. “I think that’s all the rules for now. If you have any more questions, read your information packets. Now for the fun part. As with every tournament, we have a team of talented healers standing by in all cases to make your boo-boos go away. We’ll introduce them now so you recognize them around the grounds. Firstly, the team leader is Duran Wahl who has been a Healer of Madison for almost 50 years now.”
A man had walked up to where David was standing. He was an avian anthro, with dark maroon feathers touched by gray. He bowed to the crowd.
“Nextly is the lovely Paula Jasperson who will delight you with her soft touch, both physically and mentally as the team’s foremost mental health expert.”
The woman who came up had rich brown skin and her hair was done up in dozens of braids that fell all around her head. She lifted her fingers to her lips and blew a kiss to the crowd.
“Other nextly is Jaspel Godwin. You know that achy, tired feeling you get after an exhaustive healing session? Jaspel here is an expert in energy manipulation that will keep such healing side effects to a minimum.”
Jaspel was a man in his mid-thirties who had two antennae coming out of his brown hair. He had a mustache and smiled dazzlingly at the crowd.
“And now lastly, but of course not least is Melanie Griffin. Isn’t she adorable folks? Don’t let her countenance and age fool you. She was talented enough to catch Madison’s eye at such a young age and excels at detail-oriented vein and nerve work.”
Melanie was clearly the youngest of the group, she appeared to only be in her mid teens with waist length powder-blue hair and eyes that remained firmly on the floor.
Ah David
The perky and friendly announcer. He’s such a great character and we always have fun writing him.
And on another note, I’m actually giving some advertising a shot. So hello if you came through my one and only (for now) ad. I’m a little nervous about the whole idea, but I think it would be fun to have people other than just immediate friends read this story. Plus Project Wonderful makes it pretty easy and most of the webcomics I read use it, so I know it works.
Chapter 2.2
Exactly at 3:00, every television in the building turned on, and every eye went to the most convenient one. The screen showed the logo of the God Warrior’s Tournament with a short jingle.
At the front of the room a young man stood. Probably in his mid-twenties, dressed smartly in a dark gray suit and tie with a white shirt. His well-trimmed short black hair and glasses with rectangular frames, resting near the end of his nose, completed the scholarly look. He brought a microphone to his mouth and pointed at the people in the room. “Citizens of Dragon Village, welcome to the two hundred thirty-seventh quadrennial God Warriors’ Tournament!”
Just got back from ‘The Last Airbender’ movie midnight showing.
Atrocious is not a strong enough word.
New char
Hey, it’s Josh! Josh is adopted character of SD’s. When we were starting TCIS, we had posted our character profiles, but the guy who created Josh got into a fight with the leader of the boards, so the guy dropped out of the IS before it really started, but gave his character to SD.
Josh survived quite well…figuratively, not literally? In that he stuck with us through that IS and now into the Ring of Dreams story.