
So I just spent the better part of the day in my bedroom with our new kitten. Claudia came right about 11, and we put Nickel in the bedroom while we worked out the paperwork and I asked her a few questions. When she had gone, I went back in and was unable to find Nickel anywhere. Only after several minutes of ‘could he possibly gotten out of the room’ did I finally realize that one of the dressers was actually open in the back and he had climbed under there.

I scooted the dresser out, and eventually got him out. He hissed at me and did some growling but never actually lashed out or bit me. Once I was holding him he seemed pretty okay, so I petted him for a while and then let him go about his business which (once I had made it so he couldn’t get behind the dresser anymore) consisted of under the bed and inside the litter box.

So the rest of the day consisted of holding him for a bit, and then leaving him alone while I read. Eventually he got to the point where he would no longer cower or hiss when I came to hold him for a while. When Matthew came home I pulled him out once again, and he settled into the crook of my arm. He hissed at Matthew once, but pretty much just chilled next to me until I had to move due to my neck hurting from the position.

He’s now in the litter box again, and Matthew is in the room playing his game boy. I’m going to make dinner and then we might give him some completely alone time for the evening. I have some pictures, but they’re not great so I might wait a bit until I actually post them.