This is a quick introduction to my current Tavs and how their games went/are going. I have gotten credits, so there will be spoilers.
I started off my first play through with Avi. He comes from a different story, but I made him a warlock based on story-Avi ’s abilities. I also designed the Dream Visitor off his story-otp. Avi is a tiefling, fae-pact warlock with the criminal background. Since he was my first play through, I had no idea of the storyline, and role-played him as close to himself as I could get while still exploring the game.

Saved Arabella and the grove, killed all the goblins. Basically he did good, but was sarcastic and rude about it, and always asked for compensation. His party consisted of Astarion, Shadowheart, and Karlach.
I used tadpoles on him and Astarion, who he was romancing. Avi trusted the Dream Visitor and passed some hidden checks (with no clue what that even was) to be affectionate with the Dream Visitor.
When the Emperor revealed himself, Avi trusted him and took on becoming half-illithid, but when Astarion had such a visceral reaction against it, he didn’t have any of his companions take it on. Also romanced the Emperor. (eyebrow waggle)

I screwed up the Astarion romance at a critical time (again, didn’t know what I was looking for on a first play through), though still role-played a romantic relationship.
This is the only game I’ve gotten credits on, and I chose to save everyone from the Absolute. I ended up skipping a lot of content for various reasons, one was because I just wanted to get credits, but I still spent an amazing amount of hours on this game.
I started Annalisa, drow paladin oath of the ancients before I was done with Avi’s game.
She purposely does good and is kind to everyone, but on seeing the goblins, I role-played her once being a worshiper of Lolth and she told Minthara where the Grove was with the intention to save it all at once. This broke her oath but then I role played that killing the Hag and saving Mayrina allowed her to get her oath back.

Romanced Gale, who is just a super great guy, even if the romance is a little slow cause he has the whole orb thing going on.

Works with the dream visitor because he is a good ally, but refuses to eat any tadpoles or give any to her team of Gale, Karlach (ranger), and Wyll (bard).
Currently in Act 3 finding all kinds of things I never did with Avi. Plan is to still work with the Emperor, but perhaps trying to free Orpheus will ruin that. Might actually take the deal with Raphael, though that will ruin her oath, but if Raphael gets the crown Gale can’t be tempted, which she’s worried about.
My third game is the Dark Urge, which has its own little story-line baked in where you want to kill everything and take joy in it and you can either go with that or resist. I was gonna play it straight bad but realized that wasn’t fun for me, to I restarted with Gabriel, a Dragonborn storm sorcerer who is disgusted by his Urge.

He kills Gale on accident, but saves Arabella as kids and animals are a nono for violence. Then he starts to fear his violence more after killing Alfira without realizing.
He ends up being friends with Astarion through their similar undesirable urges, which turns into a romance. Gabriel is not against the evil option against those that deserve it, but is working really hard to not hurt any innocents.

He is all about the tadpoles and has convinced his companions to use them too. He was super against the Dream a visitor , but is coming around to trusting him.
Now in act 2 he’s learned more about himself, with scant memories about the ’before’ and his allies, Astarion, Lae’zel, and Shadowheart who all trust his judgement. The plan is to actually steal the hammer from Raphael. Though that might change when I see how the Emperor responds to freeing Orpheus in my paladin game. I, myself, love the Emperor and how he will stay loyal to you as long as you stay loyal to him, so I don’t want to piss him off.
And Beyond
I have a lot I still want to explore with this game, but now that we’re two months out from release and I’ve wracked up over 300 hours of play time and 81k words of fan fiction, my obsession has slowed down a bit. I still want to do an evil Durge play-through, another run of Avi where I actually know what I’m doing, a tactician run, and playing as Astarion. I’ll get to them eventually. I also want to get some pictures done of my three Tavs, and I’ve already started designing minis that I might get printed. This game has changed my life in so many ways that I feel like I need another post just to cover it all.
But here’s the briefest of overviews. I hope you enjoyed.