Last week I worked on the final fight in the Cinderella tale, which has a lot of moving parts. I decided the best way to keep track of everything was to pull out a play-mat and some miniatures and play out the positioning and movement of everyone in the fight. I took the pictures with my camera phone, so some of them are blurry, but I labeled them so you can see where everyone is.
You can see the terrain drawn onto the map if you look closely.
Yep, that says ‘large hellbeast’.
Wildrose is kiting.
omg, what is the Prince of Goldfield doing?
Everyone in a pile.
And it ended up helping me more than I thought it would to have it all laid out here. Mostly because it showed who would be able to see what better than me just picturing it in my head.
I also fell behind on my writing because of life happening last weekend, so I’ve been working hard to catch back up. Not sure if I’ll be done by May like I planned. Then I only have a month to smooth everything out for my beta readers in June. I suppose if I have to push it back a few weeks or a month it won’t be the end of the world, but I’m going to try and keep that from happening.