The strat is pretty easy, all things considered, and after our continued success against Mr. Unstable, I figured most of the large bumps having to do with aggro sensitive fights were behind us. Turns out I was right. Our second pull of the night he was down to an agonizing 1% before he enraged and wiped out the remaining dps.
After that we had a few issues with people learning to tackle their inner demons correctly. Though in general our healers had less trouble than our dps. I don’t know what that says about our guild… And on our last attempt of the night (after many of our bedtimes. 😮 ) we brought down the poor, insane demon hunter with almost a minute left on his engrage timer.
Then he went and dropped double Champion and the tanking belt. /sigh
If you feel like being a jerk, go do it in some other guild.