Then I hung out for three days at my mother-in-law’s with basically nothing to do except write. So I worked on my outline, which got done more quickly than I thought it would, I spent some time working through the ‘major’ issues (both straight up plot holes as well as concepts I just hadn’t fleshed out yet, and that needed to be fleshed out) and reading the 1300 page Words of Radiance by Branderson.
What did I discover during this process? First off, doing the physical post it note on posterboard is better than the program I had for index cards because I can see it all at a glance. So I could see where all the pink cards are (those are scenes that still need to be written) and where important character moments happen for Rose (pink) Tabitha (yellow) and Garrett (green). Through the middle, the blue are the plot holes, and everything else on that line are things that need to be explained that I don’t actually have a place for yet …

However it brings into super sharp contrast the fact that my second half of the book just doesn’t exist. I knew this was an issue before I started the outline. It has been a problem for a while, but this is the perfect time to have this problem because I’m going to the Writer’s Digest Conference this weekend. I will be surrounded by writers and writing teachers. I’m sure something in a panel will pop out at me and propel me forward again.
For now, getting ready for my trip to New York.