Despite what other people think of this fight, I found it a great deal of fun. Of course my only job was misdirecting the pull and then running around after the paladin who is in a near constant state of motion due to all of the stuff we can’t stand in.
The fight was a lot of the same over and over. The kill attempt was not beautiful or perfect, but we all did what we needed to do. Also, it seemed that a lot fewer people died once we began calling out who was a poison target.
And at 1%, the stupid priest got off a heal, which stretched the fight on a bit more, but we held it together and finished them off.
Gratz to Lesia, Koho, and Allysa for their shiny new t6 pants. And to Kindasil, who’s giddier than a schoolgirl with his [Helm of the Illidari Shatterer].
And I had something a bit longer planned for this moment, but in light of…things, we’ll just leave it as: My Final Goal Accomplished. Now it’s just up to the guild how far we go.