…but not out. 🙂
Okay, let’s see. Solarian went down officially on December 7th. So we had that Saturday, the next weekend, then the weekend before Christmas we didn’t play with Kael due to people doing holiday stuffs, same with the weekend after it, nor did we practice on him the weekend of New Years. So we finally came back to working on Kael last weekend. So this would be our fourth weekend on him, so yeah. Took us a month. /thumbs up
In an attempt to get a little more time on our beloved server’s namesake, I was called up in the middle of watching Monk on Wednesday, with the announcement that we were doing TK. So we cleared out the “rabble” early, leaving us three fabulously open raid nights to wipe to our heart’s content.
But alas, it was not to be. We now had p1->p2 transition under our belts, and Thursday we solidified p2->p3, and started getting p3->p4. Bah, people with their “learning” and “getting better”. We were actually getting to the point where we had free time after p2 to get into position and stuff. It was nuts. Anyway, we made a few changes to adviser kill positioning, and kill order, that seemed to work fairly well.
The kill started out like any other attempt, with a heart wrenching moment in p3 when a tank went down. That lost us a bit of time, but due to the decision that Rosa and Koho had to prove their OPedness, they were left to duo Capernian while the rest of us dealt with the lord of the blood elves and his combustible pets. We tore through shield and egg with the same ferocity, pushing him over the edge to 50% for the first time.
There was a bit of confusion in p5, and some general things that can be cleaned up in future attempts, but as we contented ourselves with simply staying alive, my beloved Kael’thas finally fell.

Dkp was spent, quest items were looted, and I dropped a bomb for one of Kael’s green glowing magic balls. I really just wanted to be the first person to have it. (Plus the neck was a nice upgrade.)
And then we did what any proper and humble guild downing Kael’thas for the first time would do. We went back to Shatt and announced it in the trade channel. I went to turn my trophy to A’dal only to find out that my beloved Kael’thas lives! He hadn’t been working for Illidan all along! (Poor guy has like no friends.) Shock! Awe! Fire! Sha’tar rep++!
And then we hightailed it to Caverns of Time to turn in the vials, get our new rings, and for half the raid to stumble around like blind mice trying to find the entrance to the Hyjal instance.

Once that was done, we played around with some waves of undead, with the “in all but name, leader of the humans” Lady Jaina, before calling it a night around oneish EST.
And I was just lucky enough to fraps the fight (though the video doesn’t start till after The Darkener is down, and there are Omen errors that started popping up the attempt before, and carried over to this one. Either way.