So about four weeks ago, OOB ran into an odd problem. We didn’t have enough dps. Our tanks and healers were spiffy, but when it came to Brut we could no longer put out the raid dps. After a night of Koi wanting to rip his hair out, he called raiding until the patch.
Our raiders went off to do other things. We ground for rep, pets, mounts and we invited for LK. Some of us went to raid with other guilds for the break. It was a good break, full of beta and happiness.
So the patch hit. Many of us cleaned up with inscription, and Thursday we came back and started raiding again. Felmyst was much the same, fail because of encapsulate and someone was just learning to see her pre-breath movements. Anyway, death.

After that we learned the gauntlet in all it’s post nerf glory and wiped on the twins pull for the rest of the evening. (And a little conflag.) But after a bit more preparation we came back and downed them as well.

Then it was finally time to see the guild breaker M’uru and we beat in his face in as his adds beat in ours.