So the patch came out this past Tuesday and the servers didn’t come up until some crazy late time. Despite this we still got a 10-man raid together and went to play in the wonderful new Ulduar.
With those 10 people we engaged Flame Leviathon on 4 Tower Hard Mode, wiped on Ignis trash at least four times, got 20-40k meleed on Ignis, wiped on Razorscale with 30k health left (“He’s not so hard.”), wiped three times to XT-002’s unkillable linked trash, and attempted to kill XT-002 while thinking that any dps on his heart would tigger hard mode. New instances are so much fun.
A few hotfixes and updated strats later it was Thursday night. In we went with specific instructions to not touch anything. Vehicles were assigned, trash was killed, and [Heroic: Shutout] was earned, followed quickly by [Emblem of Conquest] for those of us who didn’t go to the sorry excuse for a loot bag before raid.
Razorscale was next. Had a few wipes on this one because people apparently had forgotten about the “don’t stand in fire” thing during the long trips through Naxxramas. But then we downed her with [Heroic: A Quick Shave] and big smiles on our faces.
XT-002’s trash was removed until they figure out how to make the separate pulls NOT come together. Yay for obscure programming. But without having to work around that trash and knowing that dpsing the heart is VERY important we set in on the robot with that GOD AWFUL voice. “NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!” After some horrible attempts and some close attempts everything came together along with [Heroic: Nerf Engineering] AND [Heroic: Nerf Grabity Bombs] (Misspelling intended) on our kill.

The first two bosses were pretty nominal. XT-002 was the boss that took us a better part of the night. As such I fraps the kill and hope to have that vid up by tomorrow. Also, boo on wws for not having it updated for the ulduar bosses yet.
Edit: Vid up: XT-002 Killvid