First off, I would like to state how ridiculously tired I am right now. I was tired last night and yet I stayed up making the movie, watching it over and over, going through Avril Lavine song after Avril Lavine song trying to find one that fit because I simply couldn’t sleep. Well I did get some sleep, but now I’ve been up for about an hour and a half (Probably close to 2 hours by the time I post this.) because, well I’m fricking excited. Archimonde is down. The past is safe, and we have added more t6 to our arsenal.
Okay, so Archimonde is a pain in the butt fight. Everyone has to know what they’re doing, and they have to do it. We spent a day last week and Friday unceremoniously throwing ourselves at Archimonde. For one this, this fight beats on your soul a bit more than any before. Besides the obvious reference to soul charge, like Vashj there is no trash. However unlike Vashj, and even Kael’thas, you don’t get a few phases in and then wipe. No, with Archimonde you are wiped out pretty quickly when you screw up, added to that the long graveyard run (Hey at least Hjyal is the closest portal.) back and you’re left with lots of time to contemplate what went wrong, and a frickload of attempts about which to think. What started out as a reasonably fun encounter got really *really* old after almost two nights of wipes.
But we were getting better at least. We used to spiral down after just one death, no matter the class. We got better at recovery, consistently getting to 60% before all hell broke loose. But it was getting late, things were looking down, but yet no one seemed to lose. And then we got our salvation. Our beloved Fishy Azurmahn (I told you I was tired.) spoke with some of the members from Recon who told us that staying *on top* of your other group members (Like permanently attached at the hip.) really helped to control the fires. That seemed to do it for us, so thank you Recon.
So as for the fight itself. We had one person go down fairly early, but we managed to make it through that and keep going. A million fire trails and a ton of air bursts later, I look up and realize that Archi’s at 30%. At that point, the thought dared to cross my mind that we might actually do it this attempt! However, the main focus stayed on that orange nipple. I would be where I was supposed to be, and trust everyone else to do the same.
And then the next fear happened, and we lost two people at once. The soul charge knocked out another, and I thought it was over. Our saving grace being that Archi did not spam out those soul charges. Our healers had enough time to top us off before the next one hit.
I knew people were struggling at this point. I can’t even imagine what was going through the healer’s heads as they performed spectacularly in keeping everyone they possibly could alive. He was below 20%; the end was in sight. A soul charge knocked into us, and my health dipped. Healthstone and bandage on cooldown, I hit a health pot. The next second air burst on the group and I went into the air with 260 health and a panic that if I did not nail this landing, I would be dead.
We lost more people and as I bandaged, he dipped to 10% and broke off of Koi. We had 16 people up. The number of soul charges on Archi that had not gone off…
But up went the bubble. Vent was exploding, my hands were shaking as I poured my full 1:1 rotation into his tree draining butt. It was not until watching the video afterward that I saw that the Elune bubble was on my buff bar as red. But during the fight I had no clue how long we had to dps. Any second I was expecting us to have run out of time. And then at 3% he exploded. My heart stopped for the briefest of seconds thinking we had run out of time and were about the be wiped out, and then the loot popped up on my screen.
It was over, and we were still alive.

[Scepter of Purification] to Azshane
[Savior’s Grasp] to Whiteliter
[Helm of the Forgotten Vanquisher] to Amberh
[Helm of the Forgotten Vanquisher] to Devv
I’m going to upload the movie, and go back to bed.