Kind of important

So I’m horrible at naming stories. A majority of the stories I have are named simply for a character or perhaps a place in the story. Angelica was no exception to that and while the story is indeed about her, it’s not entirely about her. So along with the site revamp, I have come up with a real title for the story and have replaced most references to ‘Angelica’ with ‘Shifting Winds’.

Sorry for the confusion this will cause. I’ll try to keep this post at the top for a bit so everyone sees it.

Site revamp

Things are going to be a little messy for the next…several days. I’m going to be redoing the theme of the site, but first I need to get the blog site’s pages organized to work with the new theme. That means links will be disappearing, reappearing, and moving all around. New pages will pop up, old ones might disappear, and some will change. I’ll try to make sure all the major links are always there and working. If not…I’ll probably fix it myself in short order. Anyway, thanks for your patience.

Words and Pictures

Every now and then while reading the vast amount of webcomics that I do, I begin to strongly wish that I was able to draw, to do something like a webcomic. One of my more recently discoveries happens to be a fellow who aspires to write movie scripts, and he’s gone out there and found himself artists to turn his ideas into pictures. It seems odd to me, that there are people out there who can draw so well…that don’t have ideas for their own stories? As a writer the very idea of being able to draw, and yet not being able to come up with a story to tell is ludicrous.

And it kind of makes me wish I could stumble across one of these unfortunate fellows (or gals as it may be) who would like to work with me to produce a webcomic. I even know what story it’d be (Nope, not Angelica.) though I suppose I’d have to finish writing that one as well. But then once again I’m not ambitious enough to go out to say deviant art and start emailing people. At least not yet. Maybe that can be a goal for the future: Add some pictures to my words.

OOB: Outland Officially Boring

So we’re done with Black Temple. Illidan’s down, Outland’s free, and those malformed draenei get their dank little temple back. I suppose all was not for naught. I now get a 15 min hearth back to Outland. (Take that shamans!)

Learning of Illidan was a bit bumpy, what with tanks randomly popping in and out of existence, healers moving to different states, and three days being only…well three days. We plowed into the Illidan fight to learn to not crash and burn during phase 2, holding on to the knowledge that phase 2 was the hard phase, and that it was all downhill from there.

Two nights worth of wipes to Koi dying, parasites going on a rampage, forgotten raid healing, and melee getting a little too close for comfort we were almost ready to turn over our ID to Recon. However, Koi wasn’t ready to give up for the week, and another raid was organized, healers were called, a new resto shaman was recruited and we had that near perfect attempt that turned into a kill.

Man this fight is long and boring. Here, see?

As for lewts:
[Cursed Vision of Sargeras] to Mtitanz
[Zhar’doom, Greatstaff of the Devourer] to Nyobe
T6 Chest to Amberh, Azurmahn, and Rosalind.

Character: Amebil

Amebil: Level 66 Human Warlock (9/43/5)

Name origin/meaning: Ebil is a ‘cute’ evil. As such she is ebil: Amebil.

Reason created: Two reasons. First off, the guild had no warlocks when started leveling her. Rosalind was the only warlock we had that raided, and the idea of more than one soulstone was a novelty concept. Secondly I wanted a character with alchemy. Mongoose elixirs were expensive as crap back then. I planned to get her to whatever level was required for level 300 alchemy, and just use her for that.

Key moments:
Accidentally killing the chicken in Westfall when trying to feed it.
Taking down four mobs two levels higher than I at once, which made me realize the warlock class rocked.
Deciding to level with my brother’s mage.
Getting my succubus.
Getting [Elixir of Dream Vision] for 40g.
Getting my t2 helm her first and only time in Onyxia.
Deciding I didn’t like raiding with her.

Like I said above, I created her for alchemy and ended up loving her so much she was my second character to hit 60. Her personality was one such that she wanted to be evil (as warlocks should be), but could never quite manage it, as she always kept helping people. She also got the mechanical chicken, and keeps it in regret of the chicken she killed trying to feed it back in Westfall. Never did end up getting that chicken pet on any character…

Working on getting her to level 68 at some point to be elixir master. (She already knows Pure Death and Relentless Assault.) She’s really easy to level; I’m just pretty burned out on leveling in general. I recently dropped herbalism in order to level skinning after Near became a jewelcrafter.

Say no to DWUGS: Once again my first screenshot is one I took because of something amusing. Wonder what level she was…
Bats kick butt: Getting run through Stockades by Easterber with my brother. It was Halloween, so I was having fun with a bat costume.
Mechanical Chicken: I take screenshots of the mini pets I get. This was when I first got this chicken.
Stupid Weed: So yeah…BC was coming and they changed the Dark Portal’s landscape a bit.


Sometimes I wish that I could go back to Pre-BC with the knowledge I have now about my class. I was very lucky in many senses of the word. I got into a guild that started raiding about when I hit 60, made up of mostly people who had never raided before, and as such we all learned together what raiding was about. But still, when I look back on those times, as much fun as they were, it still pains me to remember how little of a clue about my class I had.

In fact it wasn’t until Gruul that I was even aware of the concept of a shot rotation and clipping auto shots. The improvement to my dps just from knowing that, not even studying shot rotations or spamming macros improved my dps by crazy amounts. To have had that knowledge in MC…well it wouldn’t have given us more time, (Four months after we started ZG, BC came out.) but perhaps we would’ve gotten a little farther.

I was lucky to get in on a guild like this at the ground floor, and support it all the way to Illidan like I’ve been able to. Of course there are very few people from the original guild anymore, but it still feels just as friendly as it did back then. And I’m glad I’ve learned as much as I have, though this is in no way the end.

Character: Melannie

Melannie: Level 62 Human Priest (6/0/46)

Name origin/meaning: Melanie is a character from a story in the Universe Matthew and I created together. She is the healer at a fighting tournament.

Reason created: By the time I was in my 20s on Nabith, I already knew priests were a rare commodity. As such I picked the only healer character I had at the time, and created a priest. (Couldn’t do the blue hair, and had to add an extra ‘n’.)

Key moments:
Realizing that Gnomeragon was one of the most horrible instances in existence.
Being invited to <Order of Bahamut>.
Learning to aoe fort a group that was not my own.
Hitting 60, having been Holy the entire way.
Realizing I hated this character and rolling another priest.

Keeping in line with Melanie, she is shy, apologetic, and aims to please. Because she was a healer, I never specced her out of Holy until Outlands. Despite shadow pwning face, I still hated the character. It’s my own fault for remaining Holy, but eh.

Currently: She is permanently stationed in Zangermarsh, making primal moonclothx2 whenever I remember. I doubt I’ll level her any more unless I get really, really bored.

Tuesday: I took this screenshot because of the quote, but it’t the earliest picture I have of Mel. Considering the spells on my bar, I wasn’t even level 10 yet. (No resurrection.)
Buddies: The only way I got to instance level was my friend Jenn leveling a warrior with me. She is since then back on her own server of Elune, horde side.
Dancing: This was in Gnomeragon while our party leader was for the umpteenth time trying to find a fifth member. Later this day I swore off Gnomer and joined <Order of Bahamut>.
Melannie: I wanted a shot of her in her robes and belt from SFK, which I was very happy to get.

Everybody Lies

It’s a common theme in House. A lot of issues with treatment come up because the patient lied about something, or withheld something else important. (Either way, it never turns into anything good for the patient.) It comes down to whether or not you can really ever know another person.

It’s common practice with everyone else to put up a front. You see what they want you to see, and nothing else. Maybe because of my own honesty I tend to believe that everyone else is honest. Not like every random person I meet, but after being around someone for a certain amount of time, and talking with them, and getting to ‘know’ them, I would think that I would know something of their real self.

Most recently, I got a bit of a shock about someone that had it not come from the source it came from, I never would have believed it. After starting this post several times in my head, I was going to keep names out of it, but after thinking about it, I see no reason to.

I play on the server Kael’thas, and always have. There has been a guild on the server for nearly as long as I can remember called <Redemption>. The GM and leader of this guild was a guy named Moneyus, who when BC came out switched his main to Muneyus.

Muney is a very good people person. He always dodged my questions of what he did IRL, but I always assumed he was some sort of councilor. He gave me lots of great advice when I was looking to improve my leadership as an officer of <OOB>. I was able to talk to him about problems I was having in the guild, get advice, that sort of thing.

He was one of the few people to garner respect server-wide. When he posted on the forums, people from outside his guild would attack trolls on his behalf. He could ask questions that would get other people pounded into the ground, and get real answers.

Back in December when <OOB> was struggling toward our first Kael kill, Muney said Redemption would be in BT come January. I believed they could do it, but it wasn’t meant to be. January came and went, and patch 2.4 came and went, and I still think they haven’t downed Kael.

And then I heard Muney was turning over GM of <Redemption>. He did it in the way I’ve seen suggested on the wow forums, where you leave the guild, or just leave an alt in to keep people from still relying on you once you’ve given away leadership. He even went so far as to transfer off the server. He said he was tired of raiding, and that he needed a break.

He’s now on Antonidas, in 3/4 T6.

Why do people insist on lying?

Character: Nabith

Nabith: Level 70 Night Elf Hunter (0/28/33)

Name origin/meaning:
Nabith is an elf traveler I created for an interactive story. You can find her character page here. I modeled the in game character off of her (sans the height, which I couldn’t do much about.) and even had an owl pet named Siffy for her first 40 levels.

Reason created:
Matthew’s roommate in college, Dan, had a hunter in Havoc, and I spent many a night watching over his shoulder as they raided. Not only that but I loved all the different types of pets he had and would try out.

Key moments:
Discovering my bow did more damage than my melee.
Walking into Darnassus for the first time.
Realizing I could not complete [Relics of Wakening] at level 9 and grinding to level 10 to get my pet.
Spending the better part of a day trying to figure out how to fish and swim underwater.
Hopping on the boat and sailing to Menithil Harbor.
Discovering the auction house.
Going back to Wailing Caverns at level 40 to catch and train a blue level 20 wind serpent.
Realizing I did not have to feign death every 30 seconds in raid in order to not pull aggro.
Kiting Drakk in UBRS for the first time.
Getting Hyacinth Macaw for 25g.
Completing my epic bow quest.
Getting my first (and only) piece of tier 2.
Stepping through the Dark Portal.

Because she was my first character, I didn’t know much at all about the game. I spent much of my time early on exploring every nook and cranny that I could find. She’s really the character that developed from an actual incompetent newbie to a skilled raider, because she is with whom I learned it all as well. I never really got into pvp, even though I have done it.

She is my main raiding character, and very possibly will stay that way in the forseeable future. She has been BM for a long while, but is now trying out survival for the added raid buffs. I pretty much use her only for raiding and her professions on occasion.

2006-03-13 – Moon: This is the first screenshot I have, and couldn’t have been taken more than a week after I first started playing the game. Despite Darkshore’s general ‘gloomy’ feel, I was still amazed by the scenery.
2006-03-17 – Skeleton: Took this screenshot because I was amused by the skeleton that was so far off the ground. In it you can see my default UI, my owl pet, Siffy, and my non-combat pet, as well as the fact that I was doing the “waste of time” quests that had you run all over Azeroth. But then I guess since I was new to the game, seeing new places was part of the fun.
2006-04-23 – Doorway: The exploits of the recently turned level 40, with a cat I was trying out from STV. I happened across the Dark Portal for the first time, and thought it was so cool.
2006-08-23 – Onyxia: Pretty sure I’m level 60 here. It was right after the patch that put Onyxia’s model in for the Masquerade quest instead of the little dragonkin, but before they moved the pvp generals out of this room. (I was probably pvping to get the 200g off my epic ground mount.) As you can see, my bars have filled out and the UI has changed slightly.
2006-09-08 – No, you get closer…: Even though I’ve done a ton of raiding since, this was my first experience with a end game end boss. Shows my leet raiding UI, and some of the old <Order of Bahamut> members. Still remember how we were all scared that getting any closer would pull Hakkar.
2006-10-21 – Tier 2: I wanted this helm so badly, that I set a crazy record (at the time) bidding on it to make sure it was mine. It’s one of the items I’ll never de.
2007-01-18 – On the other side: Two days after BC was released is when my copy finally came in the mail. This is the beginning of my exploits in Outland.