Chapter 2.1

At a quarter to three, Dirk, Kaye, Kyanosa, and Canopus walked into Sydnei’s, the restaurant where the welcoming dinner was to be held. Fashioned of thick-walled wood like most of the village but left unpainted to give it that rustic look, it was conveniently set right near the arena and the combatant housing. Canopus joked that even Kyanosa would be able to find it and was promptly smacked. They passed through the first room, which held five rectangular tables filled with six people each, and into the larger one, filled with three rectangular tables and eight circular ones, across from the front door. They sat at the closest table to the door and looked around.

Dirk nodded. “Lots of seating, televisions in nearly every corner, hopefully some staff…she has a very nice setup here.”

“Hopefully the food’s good. I mean it is free…” Kaye said.

“Oh, it is. I’ve eaten at her place before. And it’s only free to the sixty-four of us.”

“Well good. I’m pretty hungry.” Kaye said.

“I’m famished. When do we eat?” Kyanosa looked around for a waitress.

Dirk shrugged. “I guess when everybody gets here.” He looked around for a second and was met with a flash of black and red as Kyanosa sailed out of his seat and tackled the next person to walk in the room.

“Kyanosa. That’s no way to get service,” Canopus said rolling his eyes.

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Chapter 2.1

The four comrades stepped off the Portal Train along with a throng of other people. Kyanosa looked around, trying to take in everything at once. The train platform, the milling people, Dirk calling him, the expanses of grass, the mountains in the distance, Kaye grabbing his hand, the peaked towers of an arena, the buildings, the streets, and the perfectly clear blue sky.

“Name!” A very short man with circular spectacles on his nose was glaring up at Kyanosa with all of his miget might.

“Who are you?” Kyanosa asked.

“His name is Kyanosa,” Kaye spoke quickly.

“No way! That’s my name too!”

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Groundwork Complete

So there you have it. While this is not all of the main characters, the groundwork for the story has now been laid after this first chapter. Dirk thinks there are nasty people in the tournament who may be after the amazing wish granting ring in order to cause some major trouble. Will our heroes be able to stop them? Who knows? I haven’t finished writing the story yet. Anything can still happen.

Also I’ve added a little FAQ link to the side bar which I will use for…well FAQs. Innovative, I know.

Chapter 1.5

“Yeah come on. Won’t be the same without you,” Kyanosa said throwing his arm around her shoulder.

“Well I suppose if it’s just for sport…,” Kaye said. “I’ll go.”

Canopus handed her the pen, which she used to sign the invitation and soon held a train ticket as well.

Dirk smiled. “Thanks. I wouldn’t have asked if it weren’t something like this.”

“I trust your judgment. Hasn’t been wrong yet.”

“I like to think that.” He darkened a bit. “The prize this tournament is very good. We fully expect that many people will join who have little intent of using it for truth and justice. With four of us going for it, we have about a one-in-sixteen chance of making sure those kind of people don’t get it.”

“A prize? Oo, what is it?” Kyanosa asked eagerly.

“A ring that grants three wishes.”

Read More

IS – Characters


Name: Adrian of the Last Tribe

Species: Auran

Age: 180, but that’s young for an auran. They have no set life span though they’re not immortal.

Home World: Zolott (The Mock World) None of the aurans living on Zolott remember the planet they came from.

History: Aurans are a race of people who look a lot like humans but also have some features and characteristics of another animal or beast. They have the power to change into that animal or beast, at will. All aurans are trained to be warriors who are able to kill the living (Duh, what are warriors?) and the un-dead (Or vulth’n as the aurans call them and that consists of pretty much anything you wouldn’t be able to kill with a regular sword) Each auran carries two blades. Both are made of a special metal called Kaiyli, which is a metal strong enough to hold or channel wild magic. (Dang, everything I say leads to another thing I have to explain.) Wild magic is where an auran gets its power. The blade worn on the hip is for killing the living and the blade worn on the back is for killing vulth’n. (That does it, I’ll just explain the rest as I go along in the story.) Lastly, Adrian is one of the top students among the Last Tribe. There are only four tribes of aurans altogether. (And that’s enough about that.)

Unique Abilities: Like I said before, two swords, one for killing the living…another for killing vulth’n. Can control the wild magic through the swords. Can change into a griffin. (look it up if you don’t know) Her weakness however is when using wild magic, she can turn feral (pretty much she just goes crazy) from any emotion she could be feeling at the time, meaning she has to fight pretty much emotionlessly if using any wild magic. Also in morphing into a griffin she has to compete with the griffin’s instincts, making her sometimes dangerous and unable to control herself completely in that form. (And dang again…it’s so long.)


Name: Gelid

Species: Ice Dog (If you know pokemon he’s based on #245 Suikun, just without the shell)

Age: Teens

Home World: Frost (Though he’s been living on Zolott)

History: He’s a normal Ice Dog, living to have fun just like any normal Earth dog would but without his or his pack’s knowledge they’ve been living on Zolott for most of Gelid’s life. He got dared into a field with some rocky and got caught by one and…well the rest is in “Between a rocky and a hard place” He’s smart but tends to be a bit to literal. (He doesn’t understand the concept of sarcasm at all) 

Unique Abilities: He can control Ice, it’s the whole ICE dog thing. He’s large enough for a human sized creature to ride though he’s not exactly keen on it. He also doesn’t have to eat, only drink water every once and a while. That’s pretty much it.


Name: Kyanosa Canopus

Species: Human, but enchanted, so he’s all nifty

Age: Eighteen earth years

Home World: Earth (thus earth years)

Physical Description: About 5′ 9″ and of medium build. All appendages (nose, mouth, feet, torso separate from head) in regular places.

History: None of importance. Basic human guy, almost out of high school, reads a lot of the stuff we all read. Everything else is explained in the chapter.

Unique Abilities: Again, see chapter.


Name: Optional

Species: Ghost

Age: I don’t believe I remember anymore

Home World: Where ever I pop up

History: I died a long time ago, I think at least, though I could be like Casper and just not remember my life. I drift around from place to place, trying to find something to keep my interest.

Unique Abilities: Completely gaseous most of the time. But then I can change in any number of objects as long as they are not anything living. I’m also either visible or invisible in my ghost form, whichever I choose at the time.

Note: Don’t expect a lot of posts. I’m just doing this for a bit of fun. And if you have a question about me. Ask.


Name: Real name unknown, goes by Kyanosa Canopus

Species: Human

Birthplace: First Earth

Birthdate: 18 years ago

Height: 5′ 8″

Weight: 150

[Physical Description]

Build: Medium

Hair: Black, spiky

Eyes: Dark brown

Skin: Slight tan

Clothing: Grey armor covering his legs, metal shoes, black short-sleeved shirt

Personality: Happy and joking, even in the middle of a fight, and talkative to the point of annoying when it comes to talking with other people. Still able, however, to get the job done when his services are required.

History: Nothing spectacular. He was summoned by C.R. to Zolott partway through the war on Havering. Though not instrumental in the plot by any means, he survived until the end and himself made it into the last levles of the Genesis. Left behind on Zolott after the final fight, he has taken it upon himself to help as many people as possible get home. Except for himself, that is.

Weapons: Various, depending on the power he is using

Special Powers: Stem from marbles he collects from various people and places. Each one contains a different power from the video game Kirby Super Star. He can only use one at a time and only ones for which he already has the marble. His current marbles are Sword, Parasol, Yo-yo, Fire, Stone, and Mirror.


Name: Metaru Albireo

Species: Human

Birthplace: First Earth

Birthdate: 18 years ago

Height: 5′ 6″

Weight: 132

[Physical Description]

Build: Medium

Hair: Blond, spiky

Eyes: Light brown

Skin: Slight tan

Clothing: Grey sleeveless armor, metal gauntlets, black short-sleeved shirt

Personality: Highly competitive, especially when he feels he is insulted, but never to the point of losing himself in a fight; he always keeps the presence of mind to come up with witty comebacks.

History: Has long been in healthy competition with Kyanosa, such that altough he tries to turn every competition into some test of skill, the two always part on good terms. After the disappearance of Kyanosa when he was called to Zolott by C.R., Metaru has been looking for away to follow him. As he was a witness to Kyanosa’s entering the riphole, some of the energy exuded by said riphole rubbed off on him. Thus, when random ripholes started opening and bringing people to Zolott, Metaru was high on the list of cosmic priorities.

Weapons: Various, depending on the power he is using.

Special Powers: Stem from marbles he collects from various people and places. Each one contains a different power from the video game Kirby Super Star. Can only use one at a time and only ones for which he already has the marble. At the beginning of the story, since he had to go through C.R. to get anywhere, he has just as many marbles as Kyanosa. If you don’t accept this as a plot point, accept it as a way to keep the story interesting. He has Cutter, Beam, Ninja, Ice, Jet, and Suplex.

Note: This character is intended as a villain. Yes, I can make that work.


Name: Kaye Glenwater

Species: Arcanian

Birthplace: Earth (Just a normal one)

Age: 17

Appearance: Kaye’s hair is black with a dark blue sheen to it, and her eyes are an ice blue. She is 5′ 6″, and lithely built. This gives the false impression that she is fragile. She normally wears jeans and a lightweight long sleeve shirt.

Personality: Kaye is mostly optimistic, and somewhat quiet because she doesn’t normally speak out with her thoughts. She is anything but a weakling, though she doesn’t care much if people think of her as such. She lived before The Coming of Grey, and during this time she trained in her all ready naturally strong psychic powers. But what she saw during this period of time turned her against any sort of offensive fighting. (There was a sort of war, but going into the details would give away the plot of a story I’m working on.) This means she will never attack anyone, even if she is attacked herself. She will simply defend herself, or, in extreme cases, reflect an attack, so that the person is hit by his/her own attack. She is not one of those pacifists who condemn anyone who does fight offensively however. (Last thing I need is a Relena character.) The only people she hates are those who hurt others for pleasure, power, or money, especially if they are picking on someone much weaker.

Powers: She has a pair of demon wings that she can bring out whenever she wants. This doesn’t mean she’s a demon, but since feathered wings are called angel wings, I call leathery wings demon wings in this case. Bat wings just doesn’t sound as good. As for the powers that Kaye uses, the are not magical, or even magikal, even though she uses spells. They are specifically psychic type powers, where the mind controls the elements, giving magik like results. Her main element is wind. She can also use the other elements, water, earth and fire, though not as thoroughly as wind. She uses neither light nor shadow since you have to be born to use those two elements. Wind is used for binding and shielding, water for healing and illusion, earth for communication and increasing powers. Fire, though hardly ever since it’s main power is destruction, comes in handy for lighting candles.

And FYI: Arcanians are just humans with psychic powers. And just like Adrian before, I’m making this character based on someone who could’ve been in one of the stories I’ve been writing, helps with details and believability since everyone else’s characters are usually already established.


Name: Mazzic36

Sex: Male

Age: unknown (appears to be between mid teens through early 20’s)

Birthplace: Space colony 21D4B


Mazzic36 is the 36th clone of Lord Mazzic Antagon, a Neo-Revolutionary space pirate and assassin. After Mazzic36 was created in a cryo-embrionic accelerator, Lord Antagon’s fighting experience and style was imprinted on his mind. This leads to an important point, while Mazzic36 has great fighting prowess he has no recollection of a childhood or any form of past. This is driving him slowly to insanity.

On his fighting style, Mazzic36 uses an artform known as “steel hands”. This style of fighting was developed by the Famed Japanese assassin, Tetsuo Askara Mayanoshi, and uses concentrated chi (pronounced ‘KEY’) energy in the hands and forearms to allow one to have near superhuman ability. More on that and his other learned skill of improvised invisibility later.

The other 35 clones of Lord Mazzic were used as an army of elite killing machines designed to go anywhere and complete any task. They were controlled by the Grand Assembly, The reigning caste of the space colonies. With these elite soldiers they had planned to take over the earth and use it’s remaining energy and fuel supplies to continue their evil experiments and conquer the galaxy. But as in any evil scheme, it failed horribly.

The GCA or Great Continental Alliance, used it’s massive spy network to unveil the GA’s plan and developed a weapon, human weapon actually, to destroy them. This genetically engineered behemoth killed all clones except mazzic36 who, realizing there was no hope, surrendered his life into the GCA’s hands. He then was placed in experimental testing, and in a freak accident was blasted through an inter-dimensional portal and landed in an unfamiliar atmosphere and time…It is now that a new chapter in this troubled soul’s life begins, as any previous GA mind control and evilness in his soul have been erased. Along with the challenge of surviving on this new planet, he must learn how to control his fleeting sanity and push himself to the greatness that Lord Antagon once commanded.

Powers/Unique Abilities:

Steel Hands Abilities:

Sonic Punch: A very fast and very damaging punch that takes about a minute to charge up. Charging can be done while fighting or while standing still, and one will know that Mazzic is preparing for this attack because his right hand will appear fuzzy as it accelerates and decelerates between normal and supersonic speeds. When the punch is thrown, a clap of thunder is heard as his fist travels at nearly 1000 mps. The air distorts around where the fist was, and if he does not directly hit his opponent with the strike, then his opponent is thrown backward, usually with the breath knocked out of him. Furthermore if the hit connects, unless the person who is hit is incredibly strong, all or most of the ribs are broken, as well as that person being flung backward.

Strike: A one handed jab into one of 4 pressure points on an opponents front side. If opponent is weak or is unsuspecting this jab will completely go through the target and come out the other side. : )

Flurry: Mazzic’s hands flash white and he appears to dash straight through opponent, when glow disapears the opponed feels anywhere from 4 to 16 blows landed at various soft spots on his/her body

Shun Goku Satsu: The famed “Raging Demon” Mazzic’s body floats in the air and everything flashes bright white while while multiple blows are landed on or even through the target, ends with Mazzic appearing black through the white and crushing the opponents head through his finger and a raging torrent of dark chi, in case you didn’t notice, this is usually an instant kill. The problem with this attack is that it has a 1 in 3 chance of killing Mazzic and thus is only used in emergency situations. Later he hopes to learn the secret behind this power and be able to use it with impunity.

Tiger Claw: A strange attack to be included under a style of martial arts that only uses the hands, however, due to the fact that his style is always improving or refining this can now be included. Essentially, Mazzic removes one glove, which reveals only empty space beneath, he points his arm at his opponent and generates a massive beam of red energy that has an image of an attacking tiger superimposed over the leading edge of the beam. This beam does not try to explode on contact but rather pierce through the body of the opponent dealing massive damage.

Other Skills:

Invisibility: When in a shaded area Mazzic can become completely invisible and move around freely until he attacks someone or draws attention to himself. When there is no cover he is able to maintain full invisibility only when completely still, and remain hard to concentrate on while moving slowly. In a crowd Mazzic blends in and is totally nondescript


Can drive/pilot ANY vehicle ever made…has to do with an inate sense of electronics and mechanics. Usually can disable most electronic or mechanical devices, including traps.


Mazzic as mentioned earlier is slowly going insane and, usually at the most inoportune times, will collapse into a dream world and becomes essentially useless until someone smacks him or he is attacked. Mazzic also has a very inflated ego and has a hard time following people, and is crushed when he fails to complete a task. And thirdly he has no idea how to use any weapons other than his own two hands.


Hair: Brown, and Spikey

Eyes: Blue, left eye has a patch

Hight: 5′ 9″

Weight: 145

Usual Clothes:

Black t-shirt with the word power written in red across the top and the Japanese symbol for the same thing underneath it. Khaki Cargo Pants, black gloves, an Ankh Pendant, a Silver Ball Choker, and black heavy boots. The boots are usually not seen because his Pants cover them up. Regular clothes may vary depending on needs.

Fighting/combat Clothes:

A red trenchcoat and a long black cape, made out of a revolutionary material which can deflect weaker pure energy attacts. Still wears his black gloves and usually a pair of
black shoes.


Uses no weapons other than his own two hands therefore never carries any sheaths or holsters.


Name: Adrian

Species: Auran

Birthplace: Zolott 

Age: ~200 (Does it really matter after 100?) 

Abilities: She is extremely skilled with her sword, and can cast a large array of magik spells, staying close to either light or electric types. She still has the ability to cast a spell onto her sword that sets off a reaction much like a strong poison when it enters a demon’s system. 

Hair: Black

Eyes: Black

Height: 5’11″

Weight: 135

Skin: Dark tanned skin 

Clothing: She wears a pair of blue jeans and a purple shirt covered by a silver and white jacket. Her shoes are similar to tennis shoes, but much sturdier and are white and black. She has a sheath attached to her back, which, believe it or not, holds a sword.

Distinctive Traits: She has a black lion’s tail. I would consider that a distinctive trait. 

Personality: Adrian is a bit more humble than she was in WWMA, the memory of how weak her powers were compared to the others who had struggled to save the planet during the Zolott Affair has stayed with her. She can still blunt and harsh at times, but she is friendlier when people make the honest effort to strike up conversation. She remains in the service of CR, since he is the one who saved her. She will do anything he asks, including protecting him with her life.

History: At the point when Zolott was blowing up, CR transferred Adrian to a both technologically and magikally advanced planet called Liawe, thus saving her life. Upset by the fact that her powers had been so weak compared to the others she had met during the Zolott Affair, she swore she would get stronger. She received cybernetic implants to reinforce her skeletal structure, thus improving her strength and agility. Because of these implants she is unable to morph completely to her griffin form anymore as that would tare out the implants. She also worked extremely hard on her magikal abilities, improving them several times over, though her main skill is still with her sword.

Note: Yes, for those of you who wrote for WWMA, this is the same Adrian. She was the first character I ever came up with specifically for an IS, so I think she deserved another shot at the IS thing.


Name: Kaye Glenwater

Species: Arcanian

Birthplace: Earth (Just a normal one)

Age: 17

Appearance: Kaye’s hair is black with a dark blue sheen to it, and her eyes are an ice blue. She is 5′ 6″, and lithely built. This gives the false impression that she is fragile. She normally wears jeans and a lightweight long sleeve shirt.

Personality: Kaye is mostly optimistic, and somewhat quiet because she doesn’t normally speak out with her thoughts. She is anything but a weakling, though she doesn’t care much if people think of her as such. She lived before The Coming of Grey, and during this time she trained in her all ready naturally strong psychic powers. But what she saw during this period of time turned her against any sort of offensive fighting. (There was a sort of war, but going into the details would give away the plot of a story I’m working on.) This means she will never attack anyone, even if she is attacked herself. She will simply defend herself, or, in extreme cases, reflect an attack, so that the person is hit by his/her own attack. She is not one of those pacifists who condemn anyone who does fight offensively however. (Last thing I need is a Relena character.) The only people she hates are those who hurt others for pleasure, power, or money, especially if they are picking on someone much weaker.

Powers: She has a pair of demon wings that she can bring out whenever she wants. This doesn’t mean she’s a demon, but since feathered wings are called angel wings, I call leathery wings demon wings in this case. Bat wings just doesn’t sound as good. As for the powers that Kaye uses, the are not magical, or even magikal, even though she uses spells. They are specifically psychic type powers, where the mind controls the elements, giving magik like results. Her main element is wind. She can also use the other elements, water, earth and fire, though not as thoroughly as wind. She uses neither light nor shadow since you have to be born to use those two elements. Wind is used for binding and shielding, water for healing and illusion, earth for communication and increasing powers. Fire, though hardly ever since it’s main power is destruction, comes in handy for lighting candles.

And FYI: Kaye was on Zolott for SOZ, and since I’ve been told CR gets memory erasing happy, she doesn’t remember most of what happened, but she will probably remember people from SOZ, who show up again here, and there might be some deja vu going on. ~shrugs~ We’ll find out as we go I guess.


Name: Hatin Dakota (Asks to go by Dakota)

Age: 25

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Eyes: Dark green

Hair: Light orange – Cut short with slightly spiky hair

Skin: Pale

Height: 5’9″

Weight: Light

Appearance: Handsome in a slightly dorky way. He wears a pair of glasses, which he seems to only need when he’s reading or writing, but sometimes forgets to take them off, remembering that they’re on at odd times.

Physical Condition: Skinny, typical looking of an office clerk.
Clothing: Pair of straight legged brown pants, with a light yellow shirt, a dark brown tie, a brown belt and brown loafers.

Personality: Seems to be very into his job, jotting down notes at every opportunity. He loves to talk to anyone that he can, about most anything, and doesn’t get embarrassed easily. He can be nosy sometimes though, asking overly personal questions. He is also extremely stubborn.

Abilities: He’s a news reporter, and so is extremely talented with taking notes. He also has a very expensive digital camera.


Name: Mazzic36

Sex: Male

Age: unknown (appears to be between mid teens through early 20’s)

Birthplace: Space colony 21D4B


Mazzic36 is the 36th clone of Lord Mazzic Antagon, a Neo-Revolutionary space pirate and assassin. After Mazzic36 was created in a cryo-embrionic accelerator, Lord Antagon’s fighting experience and style was imprinted on his mind. This leads to an important point, while Mazzic36 has great fighting prowess he has no recollection of a childhood or any form of past. This is driving him slowly to insanity.

On his fighting style, Mazzic36 uses an artform known as “steel hands”. This style of fighting was developed by the Famed Japanese assassin, Tetsuo Askara Mayanoshi, and uses concentrated chi (pronounced ‘KEY’) energy in the hands and forearms to allow one to have near superhuman ability. More on that and his other learned skill of improvised invisibility later.

The other 35 clones of Lord Mazzic were used as an army of elite killing machines designed to go anywhere and complete any task. They were controlled by the Grand Assembly, The reigning caste of the space colonies. With these elite soldiers they had planned to take over the earth and use it’s remaining energy and fuel supplies to continue their evil experiments and conquer the galaxy. But as in any evil scheme, it failed horribly.

The GCA or Great Continental Alliance, used it’s massive spy network to unveil the GA’s plan and developed a weapon, human weapon actually, to destroy them. This genetically engineered behemoth killed all clones except mazzic36 who, realizing there was no hope, surrendered his life into the GCA’s hands. He then was placed in experimental testing, and in a freak accident was blasted through an interdementional portal and landed in an unfamiliar atmosphere and time…It is now that a new chapter in this troubled soul’s life begins, as any previous GA mind control and evilness in his soul have been erased. Along with the challenge of surviving on this new planet, he must learn how to control his fleeting sanity and push himself to the greatness that Lord Antagon once commanded.

After his arrival, and following the many adventures from Zolott, Mazzic has returned to a parallel earth different from his own, yet…somewhat relaxing. He has been having recurring dreams of his death and feels that the answers lay out there somewhere, and it is up to him to find it…With a little help of course : )

Powers/Unique Abilities:
(At the moment there are no new abilities from SOZIS, though there may be in the future, therefore these stats are liable to change…Though I will make it a seamless as possible. Sorry for any confusion)

Steel Hands Abilities:

Sonic Punch: A very fast and very damaging punch that takes about a minute to charge up. Charging can be done while fighting or while standing still, and one will know that Mazzic is preparing for this attack because his right hand will appear fuzzy as it accelerates and decelerates between normal and supersonic speeds. When the punch is thrown, a clap of thunder is heard as his fist travels at nearly 1000 mps. The air distorts around where the fist was, and if he does not directly hit his opponent with the strike, then his opponent is thrown backward, usually with the breath knocked out of him. Furthermore if the hit connects, unless the person who is hit is incredibly strong, all or most of the ribs are broken, as well as that person being flung backward.

Strike: A one handed jab into one of 4 pressure points on an opponents front side. If opponent is weak or is unsuspecting this jab will completely go through the target and come out the other side. : )

Flurry: Mazzic’s hands flash white and he appears to dash straight through opponent, when glow disapears the opponed feels anywhere from 4 to 16 blows landed at various soft spots on his/her body

Shun Goku Satsu: The famed “Raging Demon” Mazzic’s body floats in the air and everything flashes bright white while while multiple blows are landed on or even through the target, ends with Mazzic appearing black through the white and crushing the opponents head through his finger and a raging torrent of dark chi, in case you didn’t notice, this is usually an instant kill. The problem with this attack is that it has a 1 in 3 chance of killing Mazzic and thus is only used in emergency situations. Later he hopes to learn the secret behind this power and be able to use it with impunity.

Tiger Claw: A strange attack to be included under a style of martial arts that only uses the hands, however, due to the fact that his style is always improving or refining this can now be included. Essentially, Mazzic removes one glove, which reveals only empty space beneath, he points his arm at his opponent and generates a massive beam of red energy that has an image of an attacking tiger superimposed over the leading edge of the beam. This beam does not try to explode on contact but rather pierce through the body of the opponent dealing massive damage.

Other Skills:

Invisibility: When in a shaded area Mazzic can become completely invisible and move around freely until he attacks someone or draws attention to himself. When there is no cover he is able to maintain full invisibility only when completely still, and remain hard to concentrate on while moving slowly. In a crowd Mazzic blends in and is totally nondescript


Can drive/pilot ANY vehicle ever made…has to do with an inate sense of electronics and mechanics. Usually can disable most electronic or mechanical devices, including traps.


Mazzic as mentioned earlier is slowly going insane and, usually at the most inoportune times, will collapse into a dream world and becomes essentially useless until someone smacks him or he is attacked. Mazzic also has a very inflated ego and has a hard time following people, and is crushed when he fails to complete a task. And thirdly he has no idea how to use any weapons other than his own two hands.


Hair: Brown, and Spikey

Eyes: Blue, left eye has a patch

Hight: 5′ 9″

Weight: 145

Usual Clothes:

Black t-shirt with the word power written in red across the top and the japanese symbol for the samething underneath it. Kahki Cargo Pants, black gloves, an Ankh Pendant, a Silver Ball Choker, and black heavy boots. The boots are usually not seen because his Pants cover them up. Regular clothes may vary depending on needs.

Fighting/combat Clothes:

A red trenchcoat and a long black cape, made out of a revolutionary material which can deflect weaker pure energy attacts. Still wears his black gloves and usually a pair of
black shoes.


Uses no weapons other than his own two hands therefore never carries any sheaths or holsters.

Additional note: Mazzic cannot, and will not use any weapons other than his own fists. This excludes computer operated systems in space ships and such, but if Mazzic got his hands on a sharp weapon he would likely cut off his own hand, or worse. Same thing with projectiles, mazzic is more likely to shoot himself then shoot the air.

Name: Dirk Dareklite (rhymes with air-light, emphasis on the first syllable)

Age: 26, with a birthday on October 15th (That’s just there for the sake of completeness. Since by Tehx’s reasoning about four days have passed since the beginning of the IS and Kaye’s intro chapter involved her printing her final project for the spring semester, we’re still in May, possibly June.)

Race: Human

Height: 6 feet, 1 inch

Build: Muscular

Hair: Black, gelled forward

Eyes: Obstructed

Skin: Slight tan

Clothing: Black jeans, boots, and fingerless gloves, deep purple shirt, mirrored sunglasses with black frames. The color of his shirt will change on occasion, but he generally keeps it deep purple. He also wears a gold ring on his left hand.

Occupation: Unknown, but it involves lots of paperwork and he works under somebody of considerable power. And it’s in the underworld. That’s probably important. He often freelances as a bartender, bodyguard, bouncer, mediator, occult specialist, or therapist, to name a few.

Abilities: Free flight, teleportation to anyplace to which he’s already been, magics of poisons and darkness, healing powers, small-scale shielding, abnormal strength, and an impeccable memory. His type is a blend of dark and poison elements; those techniques strengthen him whereas holy ones weaken him. He also becomes physically ill when in a church, cathedral, or other blessed site except for graveyards and ruined versions of the above. He mind-reads very rarely, mostly because he’s doesn’t know how. It just happens sometime.

Weapon: A small piece of ever-shiny silver metal about an inch in diameter and four inches long. Depending on the situation, it can extend up to ten feet long, sprout a scythe blade at either or both ends, and break in half, both parts connected to each other by a chain up to five feet long.

Personality: Very friendly, but not to the point of being overbearing; he is often the one to initiate a converastion, especially when the other person looks unusually down and out. He can not stand to sit by and watch others suffer in any respect. By comparison, his humor is a lot less random than Kyanosa’s and a lot more sardonic. It takes him a substantial amount of time to get angry, but don’t try it. He’s also a heck of a lot smarter than the average individual, but only due to his incredible knack for remembering; he does not think or reason any more quickly than standard.

Distinctive Traits: Always refers to people as Mister, Miss, or Mrs. (last name), even when asked not to. Never removes his sunglasses. Refuses to start a physical fight; he will defend loyally if one of his friends or an innocent is attacked and will only attack directly if he himself is intentionally attacked. Does not curse.

History: Largely unknown. He’s very good at changing the subject.


Name: Real name unknown, goes by Kyanosa Canopus

Species: Human

Birthplace: First Earth

Birthdate: 23 years ago

Height: 5′ 9″

Weight: 170

[Physical Description]

Build: Medium muscular

Hair: Black, spiky

Eyes: Dark brown

Skin: Slight tan

Clothing: Grey armor covering his legs, metal shoes, black short-sleeved shirt

Personality: Happy and joking, even in the middle of a fight, and talkative to the point of annoying when it comes to talking with other people. Still able, however, to get the job done when his services are required.

History: Nothing spectacular. He was summoned by C.R. to Zolott partway through the war on Havering. Though not instrumental in the plot by any means, he survived until the end and himself made it into the last levels of the Genesis. After a considerable struggle getting off Zolott, he returned to First Earth and, forever in anticipation of being called to duty again, trained and refined his powers over a few years. His current quests involve seeking out new marbles and finding something that can manage his hair.

Weapons: Various, depending on the power he is using

Special Powers: Stem from marbles he collects from various people and places. Each one contains a different power from the video game Kirby Super Star. He can only use one at a time and only ones for which he already has the marble. His current marbles, as you just can’t find these things at Toys ‘R’ Us, are Sword, Parasol, Yo-yo, Fire, Stone, and Mirror.


Name: Joshua Renil

Age: 16

Magikal Element: Lightning

History: Josh is a much-disgruntled-anarchist-teen from Earth. He’s really against any systematic logic and/or authority. He’s really a good-hearted person, but doesn’t appear so in such a world of control, manipulation, and misperceptions. Josh believes he was born to question everything, and only until recently did he decide to defend in what he believes is right. It started with his school. Josh could see obvious corruption and lies being spread. General stereotypes being paved into the minds of his peers by the very teachers that were supposed to develop these kids into successful youths whom could think for themselves. It all really angered him. As if that weren’t enough, he constantly found himself hating the media, finding little messages that were being imbued into everyone around him. Josh became fed up with it all. He left his home and studies to convince people of these wrongs that were being overlooked, going to “Free Mumia” benefits, and whatnot. He does not acknowledge violence as a tool, but as a last option. He often picks fights with truly ignorant people, though. People without a clue.

Combat Info: While not that physically strong, Josh is very quick. This and his general love for anything involving hand-to-hand combat, provides him with great skills in fisticuffs. He often studies different styles of fighting, and alters them to his own fitting. He trains in furious combination attacks that daze and defy. The only melee weapon he is proficient with is that of the dagger-type, and he has a few tricks with those. Josh is also good with a close ranged projectile weapon, such as a revolver, or a crossbow. When it comes to magik usage, Josh isn’t that fluent, yet, at least. He has a few *natural* lightning attacks, but he knows nothing about them. Yet.

Abilities: Broken down into four forms: Melee, ranged, lightning, and KO’d.


Irritating Smack – This is generally how Josh will start a fight with a reasonably safe opponent. He merely walks up to his opponent, and gives him/her a good smack to the temple. While not actually doing physical damage, the humiliation alone of such an attack is quite painful, plus it leaves the opponent dazed for a second or two. This stunned state must be acted upon, however, because if it is not, the opponent gains a slight rage-strength bonus.

Elbow of Death – When the enemy is rendered stunned, Josh comes in from the side or directly to the head with a fast and hard elbow.

Chin of Death – When Josh is placed behind the enemy, he grapples with the foe and proceeds to dig his bony chin into the enemy’s back. While this may not be effective damage-wise, it works as quite great holding technique, as when the opponent struggles, he digs into Josh’s chin further, which lengthens the grapple even more, and dishes damage to the grappled opponent.

Leg Sweep – This is performed after the ‘Elbow of Death’ move. Josh shoulders the opponent to push him/her away, rabbit punches his/her head, deals a VERY strong elbow to the right side of the enemy, and then cuts down to the ground, tripping his opponent.

Hi-Lo Take Down – Josh punches the opponent in the face, and then thrusts his leg into the back of the opponents left kneecap, crippling him/her temporarily.

Elbow Rapier – Josh flings his elbow forward, almost fencing with the enemy until the possibility for an attack is present. He then stabs at his enemy with his elbow, and after the recoil from the blow, headbutts the enemy.

Inverted Take-Down – Josh gets a good leap, then grabs for his enemy’s head, and thrusts it to the ground.

Quad Backhand – Four vigorous backhanded fists to the face.

Jab ‘n’ Jut – Josh jabs his opponent in his/her right side, and then hooks in to the opponent’s left-side with his now unsheathed dagger.

Dagger Blinding – Josh puts on a little show with his dagger finesse, immobilizing the enemy for a few seconds.

Hourglass Shearing – This is performed after the ‘1000 Dagger Blinding’ move. With the opponent stunned, Josh takes his dagger into the opponents right shoulder, cuts down to his/her left hip, pulls to his/her right hip, cuts up to the left shoulder, and pulls back to the right shoulder.

Hilt-Bash – This is performed after the ‘1000 Dagger Blinding’ move. Josh jams the hilt of the dagger into the right temple of his enemy, stunning him/her intensively, possibly knocking the opponent unconscious.

Hardcore Slide-Tackle – Josh charges the enemy and dive-kicks his/her legs.

Knee-Drop – Josh drops onto his enemy’s skull via bony-ass knee (Performed when opponent is on ground).

Mock Kung Fu – Josh utters various stereotypical oriental-combatant noises, chopping at his opponent with various left-right left-right swipes. If he doesn’t hit the enemy, he at least pisses them off.

Cannon – Josh hurls himself at his enemy, arms and legs coiled.

Throat-Slitter – Performed after the ‘Hilt-Bash’ move, Josh scrapes his dagger against the jugular of his enemy.

The Squeeze – Performed after the ‘Hilt-Bash’ move, Josh takes the hilt of the dagger and his free fist, and bring them in together on opposite sides of his opponent’s skull.

One-Footer – Josh dances on either his right or left foot, the free foot doing the kicking. This gives him a bit of a defensive advantage, as his body weight can easily be shifted to fling him out of harm’s way.

One-Foot Switch Kick – Performed in One-Footer mode, Josh switches the planted foot and flings it to the air at his opponent. The formerly in-flight foot takes place as the grounder.

Shorty’s Ghetto Style – Josh leaps up, mock skateboard-style, and thrusts both feet at his opponent, either knocking him back or even to the ground.

Tree-Sixy Spin Kick – A variation of Short’s Ghetto Style, Josh leaps up, and twirls, bringing his legs in for a side-gut kick.

Chain Link – This is by far, Josh’s deadliest move. Josh’s opponent must be stunned before this can be initiated. When his opponent is stunned, Josh kicks him/her in the back, sending them to the ground. Josh then flings the body up with his foot, punches it back down to his foot, and continues this pattern until the opponent is free. The opponent can only gain freedom from this move via a melee attack, and must be timed perfectly. When Josh is punching the enemy down, the enemy must counter with a blow to right gut. When Josh is proceeding to kick the enemy up to his/her feet, a leg grab (preferably, although any leg-hindering move would work) must be performed on Josh, to halt further damage. When the move is over, either from escape or willingly halting, Josh suffers as if he were stunned for two rounds of combat.


Flare Draw – A trained drawing of Josh’s revolver at near-lightning speed. It matches the speed of Multehx’s STANDARD FORM Quicksilver drawing capabilities. This was a specific task of Josh’s, to obtain the gun-drawing skills of Multehx. He’s an aspiring duelist.

Pocket Change – Josh fishes around in his pockets with his right hand and fires at his opponent’s feet with his gun, partially concealed under his left arm.

Precision Jugular Piercing – Given a revolver/crossbow, and about two seconds of aim-time, Josh can make a perfect shot towards his opponent’s neck. Perfect for ambushes. (Required: Range of 50 feet)

Bolt of Blinding – Josh fires his crossbow at the ground about midway between him and his opponent. The bolt collides on the ground sending a shower of sparks into his opponent’s eyes. (Required: Hard floor. No dirt, etc. Wood is especially effective, because there is the chance of wood splinter debris.)

Special Delivery – Josh charges the enemy, firing shot after shot of his revolver (8 shot limit per round of ammo). He can then proceed into melee, and the effect of ‘1000 Dagger Blinding’ is active.

Dual-Flack – Four shots from the revolver followed by a crossbow shot, and then the four remaining revolver shots.

Falcon Shot – Josh back-flips behind his enemy, firing his crossbow in mid air. He then pursues melee combat, and initiates the ‘Chin of Death’ grapple.

(That’s it, for now. Josh is always learning new things, though…)

Social Tools/Skills: Josh is a diplomat at heart. He wants everything to work out nicely. He’s a very persuasive person. Josh is also amazing with vehicles of any sort. He picks up on ship controls, and things of that sort very quickly. He can also handle a large amount of caffeine, if need be.


Name: Sebastion Ehiel Ebask

Age: 87

Eye Color: All blue (including the whites)

Hair Color: Light Brown

Dress: Typically appears in white pants, a long white overcoat, underneath he wears a thin, but highly effective blue underarmour. His shoes are a nondescript shade of gray. Sometimes wears sunglasses, but only to hide his eyes (he doesn’t like all the unnecessary questioning)

Alignment: ranges depending on his current objectives normally somewhere between neutral and evil although he has been know to side with the forces of good every once and a while.

Physical description: He is of average high 5″11. Isn’t extremely thin, but usually comes off with a rather anemic look about him. He typically has his hand in his pockets and walks around with a long of worry like someone is going to jump out of the shadows and kill him any minute.

Gender: Male

Abilities: Sebastion has the uncanny ability to manipulate the energies within himself and around him (typically not in others though). He can levitate, shoot orbs, and rays of pure energy at opponents, shield himself with energy, create weapons of energy, regenerate lost limbs,heal damage incurred in battle things of that nature.

Occupation: Lecturer and Philosopher he tours the universe giving speeches on how to live long, work hard, and blend in with the crowd. His last book (How to be just like everyone else) was number one on earth’s New York Times best sellers list (take that Stephen King)

Origin: He hails from the mobile trading planet Osthorpe, which has become quite famous thanks to him. (don’t find it two strange if you see this in the future it is his home after all)

Life before Zolott: He grew up on Osthorpe son two middle class merchants he didn’t have many friends as a child, and grew up wanting to be like everyone else. His powers only distanced him more from his peers. So at the age of 19 he left Osthorpe and stayed on one of the core worlds it traded on. There he found work as a guard for a crimelord. His work too him eventually to the learned world of Telencort where he mastered his skills and trained as a knight for the Order of Gabriel a society of energy masters like himself who guard the universe from evil. At the age of 45 he publishes his first book (Why no one likes you) which immediately goes to number one on earth, and the surrounding systems. He continues to publish tour and occasionally help the order out with any missions it undertakes he is currently on his was to zolott as this message is being written be warned zolott Sebastion is on his way.

Interactive Stories


Ch: 014 – Visions Adrian Jun 18, 2000
Ch: 024 – Overseen Adrian Jun 24, 2000
Ch: 033 – Meetings Adrian Jul 01, 2000
Ch: 037 – The Attack Adrian Jul 05, 2000
Ch: 045 – Between A Rocky and a Hard Place Adrian Jul 15, 2000
Ch: 049 – Sky Sights Adrian Jul 24, 2000
Ch: 068 – Hidden Emotion Adrian Aug 10, 2000
Ch: 084 – New Alliance? Adrian Sep 03, 2000
Ch: 089 – Title for Those Who Can’t Stand To See No Title Adrian Oct 17, 2000
Ch: 102 – Disappearances Adrian Nov 12, 2000
Ch: 104 – A New Direction Adrian Nov 13, 2000
Ch: 114 – New, Naive, and Good-Looking Kyanosa Dec 06, 2000
Ch: 116 – Rubber Ducky, You’re the One Optional Dec 07, 2000
Ch: 117 – He Fell from Above Adrian Dec 07, 2000
Ch: 121 – Magnets Are Bad, Kiddies Kyanosa Dec 12, 2000
Ch: 124 – What are Umbrellas For? Adrian Dec 17, 2000
Ch: 129 – Two Heads are Better than One, but Four Legs are
Better than Two
Optional Dec 27, 2000
Ch: 134 – Dead Guys are the Smart Ones Kyanosa Jan 03, 2001
Ch: 135 – One Step too Far? Adrian Jan 05, 2001
Ch: 136 – Today’s Lesson: Everybody if Your Friend, Even
the Ones Who Want You Dead
Kyanosa Jan 07, 2001
Ch: 148 – Lizards in the Desert Adrian Feb 13, 2001
Ch: 156 – End Battle? Adrian Feb 13, 2001
Ch: 175 – Regrets Adrian May 29, 2001
Ch: 186 – That Puts us at Four Kyanosa Jun 13, 2001
Ch: 203 – There is No “I” in “Team” Adrian Jun 29, 2001
Ch: 215 – Black is Sooo Nineteen-Nineties Kyanosa Jul 29, 2001
Ch: 218 – Follow the Light Adrian Aug 02, 2001
Ch: 240 – Big Ting Fall Down, Go Boom Kyanosa Aug 24, 2001
Ch: 249 – Why Fire is Your Favourite Kyanosa Oct 07, 2001

Ch: 001 – Tripping on the Red Ribbon Kyanosa Dec 31, 2001
Ch: 002 – Enter the Mazzic Mazzic Jan 01, 2002
Ch: 004 – What? No Pearly Gates? Kaye Jan 01, 2002
Ch: 008 – So Aren’t We Supposed to be Doing Something? Mazzic Jan 05, 2002
Ch: 013 – Meeting in an Apparently Very Small Forest Kyanosa Jan 09, 2002
Ch: 014 – Yay, We Defeated the First Villain! Mazzic Jan 11, 2002
Ch: 016 – The Aftermath Kaye Jan 11, 2002
Ch: 018 – Ban on Characters Whose Names Begin with ‘K” Kyanosa Jan 14, 2002
Ch: 023 – Semblance of a Plot Kyanosa Jan 21, 2002
Ch: 024 – Adrenaline Only Carries You So Far Mazzic Jan 24, 2002
Ch: 027 – Parting of Ways Kyanosa Feb 05, 2002
Ch: 028 – Storm on a Sunny Day Kaye Feb 08, 2002
Ch: 032 – The Mighty Pencil Kyanosa Mar 16, 2002
Ch: 035 – The First Day of the Rest of Your Life… Mazzic Apr 13, 2002
Ch: 036 – Yellow Book of Memory Kyanosa Apr 18, 2002
Ch: 037 – In Order to Avoid Plot Holes Kaye Apr 28, 2002
Ch: 041 – Is It All Just a Dream? Or Maybe a Vision… Kaye Feb 09, 2003
Ch: 043 – The End Mazzic May 17, 2003

Ch: 006 – Welcome Aboard…I Think Mazzic Dec 9, 2001
Ch: 008 – Return of the Man with the Metal Pants Kyanosa Dec 12, 2001
Ch: 009 – What’s More Fun Than Writing an English Paper? Kaye Dec 10, 2001
Ch: 024 – Off We Go Again Kaye Dec 12, 2001
Ch: 028 – Leisure Time. But not For You. Ha Ha. Kyanosa Dec 19, 2001
Ch: 034 – Just to Pass the Time Kaye Dec 19, 2001
Ch: 037 – Mazzic : Games :: Death : Life Mazzic Dec 22, 2001
Ch: 045 – Character Development is Your Friend Kyanosa Dec 28, 2001
Ch: 047 – The Benefits of Neosporin Kaye Jan 04, 2002
Ch: 048 – We Were Near a Forest, Right? Kyanosa Jan 06, 2002
Ch: 050 – It Appears We Have a New Member on Board Mazzic Jan 08, 2002
Ch: 054 – We Have a Kitchen Too? Kaye Jan 13, 2002
Ch: 055 – The Chapter You Won’t Remember Kyanosa Jan 13, 2002
Ch: 084 – Number Two Kyanosa Feb 11, 2002
Ch: 090 – Back to First Earth Kaye Feb 21, 2002
Ch: 093 – Welcome to Beautiful…Something Kyanosa Mar 02, 2002
Ch: 104 – We Never Did Get to Eat Kaye Mar 06, 2002
Ch: 110 – Whomping on Demons Kyanosa Mar 10, 2002
Ch: 126 – So Now What? Mazzic Apr 08, 2002
Ch: 128 – Who Started the Party Without Us? Kaye Apr 09, 2002
Ch: 132 – Not Really a Rematch Kyanosa Apr 12, 2002
Ch: 136 – It Takes Two to Tango, but Country Line Dancing… Mazzic Apr 26, 2002
Ch: 140 – Old…Friend? Adrian Apr 28, 2002
Ch: 142 – Jeez, I’m Giving Myself a Headache Mazzic May 02, 2002
Ch: 145 – Forboding Smells Like Lavender Kyanosa May 05, 2002
Ch: 152 – Knowledge Smells like Spearmint Kyanosa May 10, 2002
Ch: 157 – Danger Smells Like Strawberry Kyanosa May 26, 2002
Ch: 161 – Just Posting Kaye May 31, 2002
Ch: 166 – Arrival Adrian Jun 05, 2002
Ch: 167 – Hatred Smells Like Cinnamon Kyanosa Jun 15, 2002
Ch: 179 – The Test of Wisdom – Where You Put Two Ships Kyanosa Jul 15, 2002
Ch: 185 – Happy Reunions Adrian Jul 19, 2002
Ch: 194 – Plot Twist 1 – Chimeishou Kyanosa Aug 26, 2002
Ch: 195 – Plot Twist 2 – Aitaijini Kyanosa Sep 09, 2002
Ch: 196 – Plot Twist 3 – Kumininaru Dirk Sep 21, 2002
Ch: 197 – Darkness Closing in Kaye Sep 21, 2002
Ch: 213 – Information Revealed Mazzic Oct 08, 2002
Ch: 219 – Reflex Point Dirk Oct 29, 2002
Ch: 220 – Darkness Advent Kaye Oct 29, 2002
Ch: 221 – Pain Mazzic Oct 30, 2002
Ch: 224 – Fallen to Pieces Adrian Nov 14, 2002
Ch: 254 – Vae Victus Kyanosa/Kaye Jan 14, 2003
Ch: 271 – In Nothing the Fool Doth Believe Mazzic Jan 31, 2003
Ch: 404 – Secret Beast Dakota Jun 03, 2004
Ch: 411 – Patience is a Virtue Dakota Sep 19, 2004
Ch: 415 – Where You Go, I Go Dakota Mar 24, 2005
Ch: 419 – The Things Reporters Keep in Their Camera Bags… Dakota May 21, 2005

To the plot!

Ooo, a tournament! SD and I knew we wanted to do something with our characters after the ISs of old, but we had no idea what. Then one day we just had the random idea of having a tournament, and the rest is history.

Chapter 1.4

Dirk walked in, carrying two blue bags in each hand, and nobody questioned how he had managed to turn the doorknob like that. He was only a couple of inches taller than the others, but his considerable muscle and the way he held himself made it seem like more. He wore black pants, boots, fingerless gloves (even while grocery shopping, apparently) and a deep purple shirt. His black hair stopped about an inch shy of the sunglasses he refused to take off. He smiled at Kaye. “Oh, good. You’re here already. And you’ve saved your friends from microwavable dinners.” He walked into the hallway, making a sharp right into the kitchen.

“Why would Dirk need tips for microwavable dinners?” Kaye asked Canopus.

“Oh, he usually cooks. But it’s late tonight since he went shopping, so we usually eat something quick and easy those days,” Kyanosa said.

“Sometimes we go out, too.” Canopus put in. “You would not believe the nightlife here.”

“Isn’t it always night?” Kaye asked.

“No, just always inside. We still observe night and day here. And “the after-nine-thirty life” sounds really stupid.”

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Final Fantasy XIII

Been putting off this game until I was able to get done with *something* in my backlog of games. It does contain spoilers, which I’m warning you of even though we’re technically past the time limit for such bans.

I actually was really into looking into this game at the very beginning. Then when I only knew of two party members (Lightning and Snow) I kinda let it fall by the wayside so that I only saw the rest of the party members when I got the game. Was basically right about all of the first impressions of seeing those other characters, except for Fang, who I assumed was a caster and turned out to be a dragoon (or as close to it as she can without the class title).

Graphics are gorgeous, but then that’s to be expected. Graphics are always going to be amazing in games that have the budget.

Story so far is very angst ridden. I’m not sure they properly portrayed the fear of l’cie before you find out Serah is one. However, the pace at which you, the player, finds out what the heck fal’cie and l’cie and cei’th are is pretty good.

After picking up the manual, like above I though Fang was a caster and was wrong about that, but I knew Hope would be a little whiny brat, and he was but luckily he got over it and is now turning out to be pretty strong considering he can’t be more than 12 or 13. My first guess was that Cocoon was some sort of prison, but being ‘pets’ does make a lot more sense considering all three cities I’ve been to are a huge mall, a seaside resort, and an amusement park. I am looking forward to more clarification on the ‘factory’ as it were.

I do, however, understand the comments about the ‘tutorial’ of Cocoon which consists of having your party picked for you and almost entirely being limited to two people which is just a real pain. But then don’t most FF games pick your party for you a lot of the time? I think X and XII were more the exception.

My only complaint now is that the game has a lot of fun throwing mobs with ridiculous hit point counts at you. A lot of the fights, it seems, are meant to last 8 minutes. They don’t nearly give enough ‘experience’ for that.

However ‘auto-battle’ is pretty cool. While a lot of people complain that it’s playing the game for you, just think about how much slower the fights would be if you were 1) Controlling all three party members and 2) Inputting every attack all the time. The auto-battle allows the battles to move fast, look visually stunning, and actually allows for the game to be *harder* since the computer picks the correct spells and abilities such that it’s *expected* for you to play at very near optimally. The part you have to play is getting into the right roles at the right time and occasionally tell the game to use more aoe attacks…

Also, whoever said you can only control Lightning must have complained before getting to the point where making your own party is no longer grayed out. Logically, why would they bother to give everyone in the party a summon if you were only going to be playing as Lightning?

It also seems just annoying that Snow is the first sentinel AND gets the first summon and then you don’t get to play him for more than a fifth of the time. However, linked experience is teh bomb.

My party right now is Lightning (COM, RAV), Fang (SEN, SAB), and Hope (RAV, MED). I haven’t gotten into fully buffing my party very often just because it takes so long. Maybe when Hope gets his summon and can buff a little faster.

And for now I’ve hit what I assume to be the ‘final’ boss before heading down to Gran Pulse and he’s really rough so I have to level up a bit on mobs that take way too long to kill. Yay.