The Other Wyrmrest Boss

It really feels like it’s been forever since I last put up a killshot. Glory of the Icecrown Raider, which wasn’t a killshot in July, and then missing the Putricide kill, the last thing I posted was Sindy back in May. MAY!

We had been working on Heroic LK for a while when Ruby Sanctum came out, and Koi made the decision to down Heroic Halion before we continued our work on LK. The normal version of the fight is really rather easy. I think we got that down our second pull? Then we started in on heroic, and you’d swear we suddenly asked the raid to cure cancer or something with all the stupid deaths and failure.

And yet it certainly wasn’t wipes to being undergeared, and it wasn’t wipes to a difficult to understand strat. They were just wipes to stupid stuff. And in the past month we’ve had three or four attempts that SHOULD have been kills, interrupted by that stupid enrage timer. And then this most recent Thursday night we got him down to 88k health on our last attempt of the night. 88k! But despite the fact that we still had people up and had not hit the enrage timer, we lost all the people in the shadow realm and he started healing…

So what did we do?

a) Emo disband the guild and then pull it back together.

b) Transfer off server to do the same old stuff in a new place.

c) Faction change to horde so we could stare at pretty blood elves.

d) None of the above.

Of course the answer is ‘d’ you silly people. Instead we went to ICC and got more gear! Actually, we only did that because Ari got drunk on Fourth of July weekend and one of his underlings totally screwed something up at work and his boss was making him work all Friday to fix it. So after we got new shinies, we came back on Saturday and got it on our third pull.

It was actually a rather sub-par pull as well. One of our healers disconnected, the wonderful me got stuck in a bad situation and actually DIED. I dunno how we actually pulled it off. I guess we’ll see when I get the video up.

Anyway! Killshot!

Chapter 4.3

Quartz smiled slightly as the healers reached them. One of them healed the bruises on Quartz. Another healer with long blue hair moved toward Munashii, but he shook his head, flashing her a warm smile. “No need for that.” He then waved to the crowd, and proceeded back to the stands, his wounds bleeding slightly.

“What a great fight.” David said, receiving a hearty cheer from the crowd.

Canopus was itching to fight Munashii. Quartz had not been a weakling, but the silver haired man had very nearly crushed her once he had caught her. But the way the ladder fell, it would be several rounds until he got the chance.

The next battle left Azure, a saska, the winner, and the fight after that a 7-foot tall green skinned lizard. Then it was Dirk’s turn to head down to the arena. A young girl stood waiting for him, wearing a red seaweed skirt and a top consisting mostly of two purple shells.

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Cold weather

What are you doing?
Putting mayo on a horse. What are you doing?

Life continues on. The days do seem to be cooling down a bit. It’s almost chilly in the mornings. Before 8. Almost nice. I’m ready for cold weather again. It would be nice if it wasn’t 14 degrees again like last winter, but I’d rather that than 95.

Chapter 4.2

“Isn’t he great?” Kyanosa grinned.

“That was amazing.” Kaye said.

“She wasn’t that tough.” Canopus shrugged. “Didn’t take long to see through her style.”

Dirk glared at Canopus. Though he didn’t consider it a real magical ability, Dirk had the uncanny power to make people know he was glaring even through the sunglasses. “You’re not saving your abilities for later matches.”

Canopus returned to his usual stance, resting his elbows on his knees and his chin in his hands. “Yeah, how about that.”

No one in the group’s name showed up over the next several battles, so they fell to talking, only looking up when Canopus found something interesting enough to mention it out loud.

One such occasion came at the start of battle twelve.

“It’s a dragon.” Canopus stated.

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Apparently the pure freedom that now exists in my weekend has made it impossible for me to actually remember that Sunday is my update day. After three weeks of trying, I am now giving up and switching my update night to Tuesdays, which is a day I always spend a the local game store. Since I have my laptop here, and usually work on my writing, I should be able to remember to actually update.

Anyway, now for Canopus’ fight. Rilen is actually a character of mine from long long ago. Now she’s just a fight in this tournament. >.>

Chapter 4.1

The cheers and whispers of the crowd passed in one of Canopus’ ears and out the other. His entire focus was on the foxgirl eyeing him from the arena. He walked silently up the steps and crossed his arms, nearly glaring at her. His attitude didn’t seem to faze her in the least, as she neatly glared right back as he stopped on the other side of the arena.

He looked over her entire body, memorizing how she stood, what muscles she tensed, the movement allowed by her clothing, everything he could just from a rest stance. He nodded. “Are you planning on using that sword?”

“You’ll just have to wait and see won’t you?” she replied.

He shrugged. “Doesn’t matter for the result. I just wanted to give you an appropriate opponent.”

Her eyes narrowed even more, if that was even possible without them closing completely. “You’re right. Won’t change the results.”

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The State of Things

So yesterday, after a particularly tough day at work, I decided to risk putting my computer together. The motherboard showed up at some time on Tuesday without the need for the signature that so delayed my first shipment. I guess replacement parts aren’t considered as valuable as the original shipment?

Anyway, I pop in all the parts, hook them up, all the time thinking ‘Man, I am going to press this power button and the darn thing isn’t going to turn on.’ A problem which has plagued me on more than one occasion, but was particularly dreaded this time, not only because of the previous problems, but because I was generally just too tired to stick my face in the case and try and figure out which wires I had crossed, or accept the possibility that something else was broken.

So I finish up, put the case in place, and low and behold, the power turns on when I hit the power button. (Ah technology.) The motherboard blurb pops up on the screen as I stick in the Windows 7 disk I have. It loads for five minutes and everything pops up all fancy as is Windows wont.

I tell it, it’s going to install Windows for me, and it displays the drives on which this is possible. All of them, except for the one on which Windows already is. I stare, for a moment, at the only 2gigs remaining free on my C drive, wondering where the heck the ‘reformat and install on this drive’ option is…

Well as far as I can tell, there isn’t one. So I figure I’ll have a better chance trying the only other install option, which is an upgrade while Windows is running. So I pull out the CD, restart, and get the fun ‘You’ve changed something, you have to reactivate.’ message. I try to get past it only to find out that the ps2 keyboard and mouse I have plugged in (when a computer has no OS, it has trouble reading usb keyboards and mouses as what they are, so I have a backup.) do not work. Nor do the usb keyboard or mouse.

After a few moments of disbelief and a restart (just in case) I shut down the computer and pull out the hard drive that has the C drive on it. I then proceed to my husband’s computer, where lots of fun and boot drive setting later I clean off the drive with a shift-delete. NOW I put the hard drive back into my computer and get the installation going.

When it’s finally ready for human input it starts up and of course there’s immediately the message for ‘activate windows’. I click on the activate, forgetting that I have not yet installed the drivers for my motherboard, meaning the Internet does not work and the gosh darn OS blue screens on me. Once I ignore the activation thing I actually get to Windows, am able to install my drivers and everything is peachy.

So the moral of the story is: Everything works forever except Windows 7 is dumb in some ways that will likely never matter again.