Hackers hacking the world!?

So I found a new (to me) comic called the Fancy Adventures of Jack Cannon. When I first saw the add I was intrigued by the name, cause Jack Cannon was the name of the Harry Potter/Twilight book series in the one episode of House. I wanted to see if it had anything to do with that. It did not, but instead it’s about a kid named Jack Cannon who runs into hackers, who use keyboards and code to do what is essentially magic. And while it is awesome, the main thing on my mind is “Why didn’t I come up with the hacking the world idea?”. I mean come on…CS major and everything.
The closest thing I have to it is Angelic Links, which more sprung from Ah, My Goddess roots than anything else. And even in that only angels can Code. Though now I have to be careful not to let my reading Jack Cannon screw with that story.

Passed the 30 day mark!

So the most common time that a mare loses a foal is between 15 and 30 days. (It’s in general more common at the beginning.) Today was day 32 and the vets came to check her once again. The baby’s still there and I actually got to see her heart beating on the ultrasound. (Well it just looks like a tiny flutter at this point, but still!!!) Nezi still doesn’t have the bright CL, but the vets said that after day 45 the placenta starts developing and that takes over creating the progesterone, so there’s no way I’ll have to keep giving her meds through the whole pregnancy, which is a relief. I know Regimate isn’t cheap, I’m really lucky that Deb just had some around that she’s letting me use.

More Nezi

Vets came back for multiple things, but also checked Nezi while they were here. Baby is still there. YAY, but still no bright CL. I turned down a progesterone test since the Cl wasn’t bright, plan on getting that done at the 30 day check. Nezi is absolutely horrible about taking anything into her mouth (ie, the Regimate she’s been on.) but thankfully if we leave it in some food in her bucket for long enough she gets around to eating it. I don’t think I could have handled twitching her for a month, which is what we had to do the first couple days.

Now pregnant?

So usually when trying to get a mare pregnant, you check to see they’ve ovulated after you put in the sperm. With Nezi, the follicle we were planning on breeding on ovulated before the sperm arrived, but on the 14 day check, the vets found something that appeared to be a baby. They believe that the follicle that had only been a 28 ovulated a day or two later, and there was apparently still a swimmer around to fertilize it.
The vets then came back the next day saying that it was a baby, but that the CL was not as bright as they like, so Nezi will be on Regimate for a month so she doesn’t lose the baby due to a lack of hormones. And of course, Nezi hates to be given medicine, but hopefully my baby stays in there. I told her to keep it if it’s a colored filly, so hopefully she listened.

Having a Baby!?

So I have entered into a deal with Deb, the owner of the barn where I work, with one of her mares, a golden palomino with a blanket called Nez Tea. I am going to pay for all of the breeding costs for getting Nezi pregnant, and the resulting baby will be mine to do with as I please. Then next year I’ll pay to breed Nezi again and the resulting baby will be Deb’s. This allows me to “lease” a mare to breed without having to pay all of the board and care costs of the mare since I don’t want to use my mare yet since I’m still using her to learn to ride.

Nezi was not under lights, so it was only about the beginning of last week that her uterus started waking up. The vets said we should check her again Monday (yesterday). Well Friday afternoon she was very clearly showing us that she was in heat. Unfortunately it was already too late to order semen that day and Char-o-lot doesn’t collect on weekends, so I prepared to miss her while we waited for Monday.

Monday morning came and the vets checked her to find three follicles on her left ovary, the largest of which was a 41. On their recommendation, I ordered semen and gave her a shot of HCG. The semen arrived today just after lunch. The busy vets were only able to get out to the farm by 3:30 and the 41 follicle was rather predictably gone.

The vets put in all of the semen we had received since Nezi had already ovulated hoping to catch the recently released egg or one of the still growing follicles will ovulate in the next 36 hours with the HCG shot.

In one way it’s nice because it saves me from having to pay the vets to come again tomorrow to put in a second dose and/or check for ovulation. On the other hand it makes me nervous that she just won’t get pregnant and we’ll have to try again. It really does make a difference knowing it’s my money that will have to pay for a recollection, but I really didn’t want to go much longer. I would certainly love to get her pregnant now as the beginning of March is a good time for babies to be born…you know. Right near/on my birthday.

And yes, I didn’t really explain what the heck I’m talking about, but this is more of a record for me than anything. Though if anyone shows interest I’m more than happy to explain more about what goes on in trying to get a mare pregnant.


So we’ve had two foals born at the barn in the past month. The first was from Drifterella, who had her filly two and a half weeks early, though luckily she was just fine if not a might small. She’s a solid chestnut even though her mother is (minimally) colored. The second was out of She’s Cool Lukin, a rather colored mare, but ended up being another solid chestnut, though a colt. I should put up some pictures. Babies are cute.

We’re waiting on Diamond to foal hers in about two weeks. Hopefully she has a colored foal…

You Can’t See Us?

I know a lot of you long time readers are wondering where the heck the wonderful me went? That doesn’t matter, what does matter is that I’m back just in time to find out that I ‘wimpied’ my way out of a guaranteed legendary. Ah, such is life. ANYWAY!

I love this fight. I guess it’s the new mechanic, or maybe the awesome model, or maybe I just appreciate the RP of the poor little whelpling. The fight itself is kind of fun if not annoying. We did end up working on it for a week’s raids before getting it down.

Pokemon Black (and white)

So being the pokemon fan that I am, along with the convenience of it coming out mere days before my birthday, I picked up Pokemon Black this past weekend. I started playing it. First impressions. Okay cool, we’re back to planning on going on a pokemon journey instead of having to save the professor and just accidentally picking up the starter. Eh, not bad that you have two childhood friends that pick up the pokemon you don’t choose and then show up in many story things as you go. Pretty bad that there are not many decent pokemon in the starting levels unless you want to use those god ugly monkeys. (Munna sucks btw, usually psychic types have some sort of redeeming features, but he’s slow AND has no defense…this’ll be my first game EVER going though without a psychic type.) Horrible that the ‘rival’ role is filled by a neurotic green haired thing who talks too much and ends up having a castle later. (OMG SPOILERS) Beyond horrible that there are different areas in black and white. The Black City as opposed to the White Forest. Sorry guys, it was bad enough you making some pokemon exclusive to a game pack color, but a whole area? BAD. BADBADBAD.

I’m warming up to some of the pokemon though, which I didn’t really think I’d do, but in general I just see every way it’s not as good as HeartGold/SoulSilver and it makes me cry. I haven’t picked it up in two days. I will get through it, but I’m not really sure what I have to look forward to.

Left Behind

So I did something hard. I finally decided to quit raiding. It’s been four years, but raiding on Tuesdays was just killing me. When you get into a certain schedule and do it for four years, you get *used* to how things are. Before raiding ushered me out of my week, now it feels more like a roadblock as I come into a new week. Maybe it’s a weak excuse, but having everything crammed onto three days and then having my entire weekend just open really doesn’t work for me. I need ‘me’ time every day, time to work on my other hobbies and interests. I was spending quality time with my husband last night when I looked up at the clock and realized it was 7:30 and for a few moments all I thought was ‘I could get on. Look, it’s raid time and I’m just watching TV.’ but then I would be raiding, and unable to do anything else until 11 when it’s time to go to bed, at which time I would probably have to just leave raid because Koi’s been pushing past 11 *every* raid since we started in Cataclysm and I’m tired enough already without getting to bed late on top of it.

But whenever I think of raiding, I feel regretful because it’s a whole world that I’m feel like I’m losing. I have friends in the game and if I don’t raid, then we have no interaction. I could raid Wednesdays and Thursdays still, Wednesday might be pushing it, but then at least I could keep my schedule for Tuesdays. I went to Guild Ox this morning and realized that I wasn’t there for a single guild new kill, even when I was raiding because everything happened after I had to go to bed for the night or before we started raiding officially and I was doing other things, or after I stopped raiding. I’ve already been left behind and maybe it’s better to just stay that way.

But the time I would gain by no longer raiding, while hard to see right now. When you don’t have anything else to do, that’s when I could write, when I could play other video games that are piling up. It’s really a hard decision and I’m just not sure how things are going to go from here.