Revision Update: Being Human

I know myself pretty well all things considered. When I’m upset, I can figure out why. I don’t know if that is any consolation. Part of being aware of myself makes me more critical. If I were to wander along blithely, upset for some unknown reason, then I’m just upset. When I’m upset and I know why, then I bash myself even more for knowing why I’m upset and being unwilling to improve the situation.

Isn’t it funny how we, as humans, cause ourselves so much suffering? You’re having a fight with someone and you’re just too proud or scared to go and talk to them. You’re feeling disappointed that something didn’t go your way and instead of accepting it, or taking action to make sure it doesn’t happen again you sit there and stew over how the world is unfair or so-and-so just doesn’t care about your feelings.

I’m just so human. The part of me that wants to stay in the shadows and suffer in silence to keep from inconveniencing anyone else. The part of me who wants everything to go on my set schedule because I planned it that way goshdarnit.

I want to resist those parts of me, I want to hide them, I want them to not exist because I’m ashamed of them. And the thing I struggle with is accepting them as a part of myself. They are who I am just as much as the good bits.

I completed my specific measurable result for the past week, and today I’m being human.

Revision Update: Let’s Try Ditching the Outline

So I’m glad I gave myself the week ‘off’. I was able to finish my specific measurable result, in which I just wrote out the scenes in that folder. I’m not happy with it but I did it.

On the last DIYMFA 101 Q&A call I brought up this point to Gabriela and she says she has learned that she needs to write despite whether she feels good or bad about what comes out. It’s the first piece of advice she’s given that really hasn’t sat well with me.

I am certainly to the point in my writing career where I can just sit down and force myself to write because it’s time to write. Sometimes I don’t want to, sometimes it comes out pretty rough but most of the time I feel like I am able to push through the ‘ick’ to something that works. So the idea that I’m somehow supposed to write something, and dislike/hate it, but then have that be a part of my book is …well counterintuative at best.

I am beginning to feel like a broken record as things keep not working, but I am continuing to looking for new methods for working through this revision.

I spent part of this week thinking back to how things used to be with my writing. I remember just writing a story. Just writing it and not having any sort of plan. Now I feel like I’m so worried about the craft that I just get stuck.

The feeling between the beginning of this story (the one I’ve been writing the revision blog about in specific) and the end is just so …different. I really wish someone could just come down and tell me why I’m having such trouble. Is it my lack of structure? Is it my over-reliance on structure? Are the characters not developed enough? Is the world not developed enough? Does the story suck?

Part of me wants to be able to finish a novel length story just so I have the fact that I have done it to hang in front of myself. Right now I’m grasping at a future that I have to convince myself I can achieve with no actual proof.

Huh, I wrote that and then realized: Well that’s life isn’t it? Everything we do, we have no idea we’ll be able to do it until we do it. But it doesn’t change the fact that I feel like that.

I love my neat little list of what to do with the dates and the plan of it all. I also don’t think it’s working.

I sit down to write and nothing works. I am stuck in my head about where the story is supposed to go, what my outline says I should do, and omg, I have to write a blog post on Friday …

So I’m going back to something that has worked for me in the past. And that is giving myself a word count goal. Something that I often tell myself when I’m stuck is that the answer (to my stuck spot) is out there somewhere. There is some series of events, some actions the characters can take, which make the story make sense. It exists, and all I have to do is find it.

And in order to find it I just have to write. I think better on ‘paper’. Obviously writing an outline is just not doing it for me. It helps me organize stuff I’ve already written just fine, but it seems to be seriously hindering me in my push forward. I get too caught up in where my outline says I should be going that I don’t let the story develop naturally.

My specific measurable result for this week is 750 words a day. So 5250 words through next Thursday. I’m not limiting myself on what I’m going to write. I am just going to get words on the page without thought to where I’m going or what I’m expecting myself to produce, and we’ll see what happens.

Revision Update: Main Character 3

I failed at my specific measurable result. I spent the entirety of the week on one scene, which I rewrote at minimum, five times.

But as I’ve said, failing is fine as long as I learn something from it.

Something 1) I am a hoarder of secrets. I am convinced that letting out my story’s secrets in anything earlier than the last possible second is just horrible. I must keep my secrets. Keep them all!
In this scene, I was trying to explain five secrets at once, and so it was a jumbled mess.
I had to step back and figure out if I could reveal some of these secrets earlier (blasphemy!) so that they were already in place by the time I got to the bigger reveal. Now I will be aware of this issue, so I can better parse out secrets.

Something 2) This blog is a great tripwire. Sometimes I can rewrite a scene several times and something good will pop out of it. It has happened. That did not happen this week, and so I know now that it’s time to change tactics.
So I will be finishing this scene, even if I’m not happy with the final product, and moving on. I will have to get critique on it and see what works and what doesn’t.

Something 3) I am really learning to go easier on myself. I’m not making great progress on my story. I don’t know how my speed rates against other writers, as I don’t have any data to compare, but I feel like I am stumbling a lot.
And yet I am moving more quickly to the place of ‘this is me learning my process, step back and try something else’ over ‘omgiamnevergoingtogetanythingpublishedandi’mtrash’ and I’m proud of myself for that.

That being said, I’m giving myself the weekend off. I am going to a wedding on Thursday (in Florida mwhahaha!), and while I will probably write some on the 13 hour car ride, I am not going to expect tons of writing when I’m losing my weekend, which is when I get most of my writing done.

(btw, I’m setting this post up to post on Saturday, but I didn’t want to do all kinds of funky talking in the past tense stuff about when I’m leaving. I wrote this Wednesday night.)

So my specific measurable result is to finish my current folder. I’ll have to move my timeline around a bit, but such is life. The journey is more important than the destination.

Revision Update: Main Character 2

My specific measurable goal for last week has been achieved. I even achieved it early, thanks to the help of good ol’ mother nature and the predicted high of 5 on Thursday. (It got up to 7, but who’s counting!?) My boss sent us home early to be warm so I had some extra writing time. On top of that my D&D session, which happens on Thursday nights, was canceled because people would rather not brave the cold to come to our house. Lots of extra time!

With that extra time, I was also able to work on the next folder. This folder is, as I said last week, the first section where I started having trouble with the story. I knew what I wanted to happen, and thus forced my characters into the neat little square holes I had planned. They refused to fit.

At some point two or three weeks ago, I rewrote, basically every scene in that folder, disregarding the plan that I had. I was fairly sure that what I had rewritten was also trash, but I left it while I tried to sort out my writing process. When I went through and reread it, I was actually quite happy with what was there, which is encouraging.

One thing that I have learned this week, is that the base of my revision pyramid seems to be both character and plot. Because I do so much rewriting moving from draft 0 to the rough draft, that I can’t focus on just character or plot, because I’m writing so many scenes from scratch.

Specific measurable result for this coming week is to finish Tabitha’s character arch in the next three folders.

Also, if you haven’t seen it, I have set up a “Page” on facebook, separate from my personal page. This is where I’m going to be focusing my writing life, separate from all of the normal personal life stuff. I would love it if you would pop by and ‘like’ it.

Revision Update: Main Character 1

So I woke up Sunday morning last week and sat for a good half an hour in front of my computer with my inner critic on a rampage. I was so unhappy with how my revision was going (or not going) that I was ready to give up on the entire story because it wasn’t good enough.

But you see, this story is my tripwire. I put my last story away because I got stuck in the exact same place, the muddle in the middle. Just like with that other story, all attempts to shove and muscle my way forward caused more and more angst.

So after I let myself wallow my my negative thoughts for that half-hour, I told myself ‘This is not working, it’s time to take a step back.’ This is a lesson that the universe likes to keep throwing at me, and I’m finally starting to learn it.

Then I did the only thing I could think of and went back to the revision slides from my DIYMFA 101 class and started from the beginning. The answer slapped me in the face six slides in.

You see, Gabriela, the instigator of DIYMFA, had helped me come up with a revision plan using her revision pyramid and she said that characters or plot can be the base of the pyramid, dependent on which you are stronger at. I was confidant in my character development, so I decided to put plot and story first on my revision schedule.

Well when I took that step back, I realized that I am great at character development …on all of the characters that I have been working on for years. However, the story I am revising right now has been in existence for less than five months, so of course the characters aren’t well-developed yet.

I spent the rest of Sunday filling out character questionnaire for all of the important characters. And then I spent the rest of my time this week poking at Tabitha in a few scenes again just to see what came out, and she seems much happier when I’m not trying to simply shove her after plot points.

So as for my specific measurable goal from last week, I failed to achieve my goal. I instead discovered that I had my revision plan in the wrong order. As such I am reordering it:

December 6 – 31 (3.5wks): Extract an Outline
January 1 – February 7 (5wks): Plot and Story
February 8 – March 5 (4wks): Main Character
March 6 – 26 (3wks): Secondary Character(s)
March 27 – April 2: (1wk) Plot and Story 2
April 3 – April 23 (3wks) World Building
April 24 – April 30 (1wk) Dialogue
May 1 – May 14 (2wks) Description
May 15 – May 28 (2wks): Theme
May 28 – June 3 (1wk): Line Editing

There is a yoga aphorism that is very common around the barn where I ride that goes like this:

Do the work,
Reflect on the work,
Release the results.

I am doing the work required for this revision (taking into account honoring my reality), and I am reflecting on the work, which has basically become the job of his blog, and while part of me wants to be upset about the fact that my timeline is pushed back, I just have to look at what has happened and release the result. Good or bad, the result cannot be changed so I take what I can learn from the process, and start it over again.

So now for my new specific measurable goal! This week I am going to write an outline for Tabitha’s character arch, and then go through my folders focusing only on the pieces of the story that deal with her character arch. My goal is to get through the first six folders, which shouldn’t be hard as she’s fairly well-established in them already. Folder 7 is where I started running into a wall.

And since this post is getting close to too long, see you next week!

Revision Update: Plot and Story 5

When I started blogging my revision in January, my idea was to keep track of the process so I would be able to reproduce it in the future. Now in my fifth week, I must once again report that I did not complete my specific measurable goal.

Throughout this week when I was considering what I going to write for this blog post, I found that I was having trouble with the middle section of the story (still), I didn’t spend as much time working on it as I should have (again), and that life has just been super busy (shock!). The same issues keep coming up and I was left with the feeling that mentioning them over and over was akin to whining. After some reflection and discussion with people whose opinions I have come to respect, I was able to look at it from a different light.

I realized that this exercise has ended up being about more than just whether I get my revision done for the week. Because I am pushing myself outside of my comfort zone (both with revising a story as well as writing constant blog posts) I am running into a heavy dose of self-doubt.

In the past there were never stakes and there were never deadlines. I was living a small life with my writing, daydreaming about getting published ‘some-day’ without taking the steps needed to get there.

And now I am, and it’s terrifying. It pulls everything that I don’t know and can’t do into the light, leaving me cursing the fact that there are not more hours in the day while making excuses to not sit down and actually work on my writing. The moments where my talent does come through are brief and often overshadowed. I owe a lot to the supportive people I have managed to surround myself with, that keep prodding me with my accomplishments instead of letting me dwell too long in my flaws.

I have no idea how I am going to turn this rough draft into an actual published book. Looking at it from this point I am not within eyesight of my goal. I just have the steps set out in front of me that are leading me in the right direction, and I know that I will never reach my goal it if I give up.

So my specific measurable goal for this next week is to finish up the plot and story revision for the folder I didn’t finish this week and finish the next two. It’s going to require me to dig in hard, but I think I’ll make it.

Note: I was trying to make it a habit to post on Friday evenings, but I’m a little disgusted with how raw the posts I’ve been throwing up look. As such, I am now going to be posting on Saturday afternoon which will give me a night to sleep on the post and come back to it with fresh eyes.

Revision Update: Plot and Story 4

I have reached the part of my rough draft that has the least amount of development. I have it written, in lots of pieces, in random order, and now I just have to fix it.

I realized, when I started on this most recent folder, how underdeveloped this world is. Like I said in my last post, all of my other stories have existed for years. I have worked on them in varying amounts, but mostly what that means is I’ve had a lot of time to develop the worlds outside of the stories, so the worlds feel more real.

For this story, I feel like once I get the plot revision done, I’m going to have to take some serious time to figure out what’s going on in this world outside of what I’ve developed for the immediate story. Just so the world actually feels like a world.

I didn’t get as much work done as I would’ve liked as I went to my writing conference, which ate up my Saturday, and then I ended up reading The Name of the Wind (which I’ll probably review sometime) which ate up more time. Revision is just more time consuming than straight up writing, so while writing words isn’t much of a challenge anymore, putting the words all in order is a bit more difficult.

For now, I have one week scheduled for my ‘Plot and Story’ revision. It doesn’t look like I’m going to finish the story in that week. This folder and the next two are certainly the roughest. The last two should be pretty easy, so I might only need one extra week after this coming week.

Last week I didn’t give myself a goal that has specific measurable results. Since that is important for judging whether I succeeded or failed at my goal, this week I am setting a specific measurable goal. My goal is to finish writing out the plot and story of the next two folders in my list.

Revision Update: Plot and Story 3

So, week three. I feel a lot better about my progress this week. I got a lot done and I even wrote a completely new scene that I am super happy with.

That being said, I’m not where I was ‘planning’ to be. I’m in the last scene of the fifth folder (out of 11) after three weeks. Fairly positive that I’m going to have to push back my timeline, but then that’s the point of this whole process isn’t it? To figure out what’s going to work for me. Five weeks to revise plot and story might not be enough.

I remain hopeful that this will be most of the heavy lifting. I am filling in holes, smoothing it out some, and leaving some to be smoothed out later. I keep picturing it as a lump of dough I am rolling out flat, and I keep having to pull out chunks and then put in other chunks which then need to be rolled down into those places and will eventually fit in seamlessly. Right now the dough is still really lumpy.

The next folder contains the halfway point and is one of my favorite scenes, so I am looking forward to finishing this folder, and moving onto that one. Yay romance! Oops …spoilers.

I have had an ‘AhHA Moment’, as Gabriela likes to call them. My main character. Tabitha started out a lot like me, because …well I’m me, and so that’s what I’m familiar with, and as I’ve been doing this revision I’ve been able to feel her shoving me away and telling me exactly who she is in the space of this story. While I am a very quiet, non-aggressive, go with the flow sort of person, she kept having these scenes where she would ignore the advice of others, go out and act on assumptions, or order people around on her own whims. I think because of the highly sped up timeline of creating and revising this story, it has allowed me to actually feel the character developing, as opposed to my older stories where I have worked on them over years, and the characters developed gradually.

It is a brand new experience as a writer, and it’s super exciting for me, because I keep wanting to see what she’ll do next.

Revision Update: Plot and Story 2

So this week was a little weak. I did a lot of work over the weekend, almost five hours, but I didn’t make as much progress as I would have liked. *Then* some personal stuff came up and I ended up not doing much of anything the rest of the week.

In addition to that I’ve been struggling with my inner critic saying: ‘Do you actually think this is good enough to be published one day?’ I would like to think what I write will be good enough to publish some day, and yet it’s hard to convince myself of that.

At the same time, I refuse to let myself give up. I love this story AND I have a wonderful goal waiting for me at the end of this revision and I am not about to let that get away. I feel crappy for having ‘wasted’ a week, but I’m not going to stress myself out by trying to get two weeks worth of revising done in one week. I’ll just push forward again.

Revision Update: Plot and Story 1

Okay, so first week of revision done! I worked about 9 hours over this week, which all things considered is pretty good. I wasn’t always as efficient during that time as I’d like. I just have to work on not losing focus.

I’m not as far through the story as I planned, but I’m not too far behind. I did a lot of writing; new writing to fill in the holes. In the past that’s something that bothered me. I had this foundation-less expectation that revising was just like…fixing grammar and word choice or something. Now I know writing and rewriting are a part of revision, so I feel much more positive about that.

I think the biggest ah ha! moment I had is the feeling I get ingoing through and revising just the plot and/or story. In the past I would try and revise and get a section perfect before moving on, which bogged me down. If I got to a point that was really sticky everything would just grind to a halt and I would have to just ‘give up’ on that section which left me with a negative feeling about it, plus the fact that the section wasn’t done.

In this revision I feel like I’m actually accomplishing something even though the sections I’ve ‘finished’ aren’t perfect yet. They have all the plot elements I need inserted. So I feel a sense of accomplishment for what I have done, and it was much easier because I didn’t try and do everything.

I do have a little bit of a pacing problem in two places, where the scenes just ended up super short but I haven’t figured out how to so things differently that they’ll flow better. Not worried about that.

I’m also happy with what’s coming out after this pass of revision. The new stuff I’ve written really fits in well and I hope enhances the story.