My Luck

So we do 10-man Ulduar on the off-nights of raiding. Meant to be Tuesday and Wednesday, it ends up stretching to Sunday and Monday on many occasions. So I still go. I work on the bosses, I wipe with everyone else. I spent the four straight weeks of wiping on Mimiron hard mode before the patch, and the almost full week after. Then I go to spend some time on Monday night with my husband, and they down him. Not only that but the one night I missed several weeks back is the night they down Freya hard mode. What am I supposed to take away from this? I try to take a little time for myself and end up missing credit for two of the hardest bosses in the instance.
Not that I think Tant won’t go back to try and get them for me, but it certainly won’t be until Algalon’s down. And very possibly not till after Yogg hard mode is down. I’m sure I’ll wipe on that for a month and then take a day off and miss the kill. In fact I’m almost positive that we’ll down Hodir hard mode this week on Saturday, which I’m taking off to go to a friend’s wedding.
At this point I’m really just sick of this. I mean what else am I working on this game for except to down bosses. If I miss that, then what is the point? Why even play the game?